Wiki The Witcher

El telón de fondo de la saga The Witcher es un mundo masivo sin nombre. En los primeros videojuegos, Geralt de Rivia explora principalmente las zonas de Temeria, Kaedwen y Aedirn de los Reinos del Norte. Estos reinos han estado enfrentándose en sangrientos conflictos contra el expansivo Imperio Nilfgaardiano. En The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Geralt se moverá por Temeria, las Islas Skellige, la brutal Tierra de nadie, y en otros sitios más; en su intento de encontrar a la perdida Niña de la Profecía, Ciri.

Descubre todo lo que necesitas saber acerca de los Reinos del Norte y el Imperio Nilfgaardiano en esta extensa guía del mundo de The Witcher.

Los Reinos del Norte

World map

Los Reinos del Norte son un grupo de estados formados por humanos, situados al norte de las montañas Amell. A sus habitantes se les conoce como Norteños por los Nilfgaardianos. Además de los humanos; un número de enanos, elfos, gnomos y medianos viven en los Reinos del Norte como ciudadanos de segunda clase; y a menudo están sujetos a tensiones raciales y violencia por parte del os Norteños.

Los Reinos del Norte fueron invadidos y parcialmente conquistados por el Imperio de Nilfgaard.

Principales Reinos del Norte Reinos menores Principados y Ducados


Places Temeria

Temeria es uno de los Reinos del Norte. Sus vecinos son Redania, Kerack, Kaedwen, Aedirn, Mahakam, Bajo Sodden, el bosque de Brokilón y Cidaris. Temeria es el más fuerte (próximo a Kaedwen) de los Reinos del Norte y juega un papel clave en la guerra contra Nilfgaard. Temeria es gobernada por el Rey Foltest y su capital es Wyzima. Uno de sus lugares destacados es el ducado de Ellander y la isla de los magos Thanedd, con la escuela para jóvenes hechiceras adeptas que se ubica en la costa del reino.

Ciudades principales y fortalezas


Places Skellige

Skellige, o las Islas Skellige, es un archipiélago de seis islas y uno de los Reinos del Norte. Las islas se encuentran en el Mar del Norte, al Oeste de Cidaris y Verden, y al Noroeste de Cintra. En las islas se habla un dialecto propio, derivado de la Lengua Antigua.


Ciudades principales y fortalezas

No Man's Land (Vellin)


No Man's Land, also known as Vellin, is the area of land conquered by Nilfgaard during the Third Northern War. This area will be an explorable location in the The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Using Foltest's and Demavend's deaths to his advantage, Emperor Emhyr var Emreis conquered most of the land between the Yaruga River and the Pontar Valley. Murky swamps and dark primeval forests cover this land, with monsters lurking behind every tree. The fields have been stripped bare by passing armies. The land is truly without rule, and dangers are abound at every turn.


Places Kaedwen

Kaedwen is the largest of the Northern Kingdoms, and the second largest country in the world following the Nilfgaard Empire. Its neighbors are Aedirn, Redania and Caingorn. Portions of the Fiery Mountains, the Kestrel Mountains and the Blue Mountains also run through the kingdom. Henselt, the king of Kaedwen, quarrels frequently with neighboring Aedirn over the ownership of the Pontar Valley. The area is known for its cold and unforgiving climate, along with the many forests within its borders. The witcher stronghold of Kaer Morhen is located within this kingdom. Kaer Morhen has been the headquarters of the witchers' guild for centuries.

Major Cities and Keeps


Places Aedirn

Aedirn is one of the Northern Kingdoms. Its neighbors are Kaedwen, Redania, Temeria, Mahakam, Lyria and Rivia. Its eastern border includes the Blue Mountains. Dol Blathanna, the Valley of Flowers, is also located within Aedirn and is ruled by the elven sorceress Enid an Gleanna. The capital city of Aedirn is Vengerberg, the home of famous sorceress Yennefer. The king of Aedirn is named Demavend.

Major Cities and Keeps:


Places Cintra

Cintra is one of the Northern Kingdoms. Cintra's neighbors are Sodden, Brugge and the Nilfgaard province of Nazair. It's capital is the city of Cintra. Cintra was very powerful in the times of queen Calanthe, but was conquered by Nilfgaard during the First Nilfgaard War. After the Second Nilfgaard War, the kingdom became a nominally independent state, but is actually ruled by Emperor Emhyr var Emreis of Nilfgaard due to his marriage to Empress Cirilla. The Child of Prophecy, Ciri is a princess of this Kingdom.

Major Cities and Keeps

Kovir and Poviss

Places Kovir

The kingdom of Kovir and Poviss is a Northern Kingdom located on the Gulf of Praxeda. It is ruled by king Esterad Thyssen of the House of Thyssen and maintained neutrality during both wars with Nilfgaard. The kingdom is the largest exporter of mineral resources in the known world, and has acquired huge profits from trade.

Major Cities and Keeps

Lyria and Rivia

Places Lyria

Lyria and Rivia is one of the Northern Kingdoms, located north of the river Yaruga. The kingdom neighbors are Mahakam, Aedirn and Angren. The kingdom is ruled by queen Meve. During the Second Nilfgaard War, Lyria and Rivia were invaded and conquered by Nilfgaard without any formal declaration of war. It was, however, liberated in the later phases of the war. Geralt's title of Rivia comes from the kingdom, despite the witcher having no true connection to the area.

Major Cities and Keeps


Places Redania

Redania is one of the Northern Kingdoms. It's neighbors are Kovir, Caingorn, Kaedwen, Aedirn and Temeria. King Vizimir II of Redania was assassinated during the Second Nilfgaard War. The capital of the kingdom is Tretogor. The University of Oxenfurt, the largest university in the world, is located within this kingdom. During the interregnum, the country was ruled by a Regency Council headed by Sigismund Dijkstra, the head of Redanian Intelligence.

Major Cities and Keeps


Places Cidaris

Cidaris is a small member of the Northern Kingdoms that can be found on the western shore of the Continent. It's ruled by king Ethain. The river Adalatte in the south forms a natural border between Cidaris and Bremervoord. East of the kingdom lie Kerack and Temeria.

Major Cities and Keeps


Places Brugge

Brugge is a small member of the Northern Kingdoms and can be found on the Old Road. It is separated from its neighbors by the river Yaruga, its tributary Ribbon and the river Trava. Brugge is surrounded by Sodden in the east, Cintra in the south, Verden in the west and Brokilon in the north. Brugge was originally an independent kingdom under the sovereignty Venzlav, but afterwards Venzlav served as a vassal to Foltest, the monarch of Temeria.

Major Cities and Keeps

Hengfors League

Places Hengfors

The Hengfors League, also known as Niedamir's League after its current king, is one of the minor Northern Kingdoms. During the reign of king Baldwin Thyssen, Kovir lost control of the Eastern March, and the land was divided into minor kingdoms and duchies. These areas were later re-united by Niedamir of Caingorn. The capital city of the league is Hengfors, also stands as the capital of Caingorn. The region is situated between the Dragon and Kestrel mountain ranges on the Braa.

Members of the League

Major Cities and Keeps


Places Verden

Verden is one of the minor kingdoms within the Northern Kingdoms, located at the very mouth of the river Yaruga, with Kerack and Brokilon on its northern borders, and Cintra to the south. Verden is ruled by king Ervyll at the beginning of the Witcher saga. He is later succeeded by his son Kistrin. The capital city is Nastrog.

Major Cities and Keeps


Map Nilfgaard

Nilfgaard is the most powerful empire in the history of the known world. It is located in the southern part of the continent and boasts both a thriving economy and a strong, well-trained army with talented commanders. It has expanded mostly through the conquest of foreign countries, which were then turned into provinces of the Empire. The Empire's inhabitants believe that "real" Nilfgaardians are only those born in the heart of the Empire, and not those born in the conquered provinces.

The provinces are ruled by either stewards or kings (in cases where a king willingly surrenders, he retains his throne but is subject to the Emperor). The empire has expanded throughout the years, conquering new lands and going as far to the north as the Yaruga River during the reign of Emperor Emhyr var Emreis.

Nilfgaard Provinces

Cities and towns

  • Armeria
  • Assengard
  • Belhaven
  • Carcano
  • Cintra
  • Claremont
  • Dun Dâre
  • Neunreuth
  • Nilfgaard
  • Razwan
  • Tegamo
  • Thurn
  • Unicorn
  • Vidort


  • Winneburg
  • Rhys-Rhun
  • Loc Grim
  • Darn Rowan
  • Darn Ruach