75 Votes in Poll
75 Votes in Poll
Personally I understand both characters and why they do the ways they do. But Honestly I feel people are pretty bias when it comes to these two characters.
200 Votes in Poll
262 Votes in Poll
Is there any way to fight her? I know the trailer for the expansion had Geralt fighting her, is that at all possible? And what steps must I take to achieve that? I’ve tried several times and just don’t know if I’m doing something wrong. Anything would be helpful!
198 Votes in Poll
A while back I came up with this method to get rid (for good) of semingly immortal characters who are able to regenerate from any wound (Like Deadpool, Wolverine, the werewoelf Morkvarg or in this case, a True Higher Vampire), although, this doesn´t necesarilly means these characters are dead, just unable to regenerate.
It is very straight forward and goes like these:
Prepare several dimerite "boxes" or chests (adamantium or vibranium in the case of the Marvel characters), these "boxes" must be of different sizes, and in my opinion, at least six are needed, but the more, the better.
Defeat and incapacitate the enemy in combat. (This is clearly the hardest part, and most likely requires the help of a very skillfull sorceress or another True Higher Vampire).
Restrain the enemy and cut it into pieces. Separate the head from the rest of the body, and put it in the smaller box. Cut off the limbs, and put each body part in a dimerite box. Now, this is important, these boxes MUST be of just the right size to fit these parts, with no much room left, they must be extremely tight and you must be conscious of how many boxes you have and what part is going in each, as nothing, not even a single hair, can be left outside a box, in order to prevent regeneration.
Close the boxes and seal them with Quen.
Scatter the boxes across diferent parts of the world, again, the farthest each box is from one another, the better.
(Optional) if the need to defeat the immortal is for a contract, take the box with the head to the one who issued it, open it so they can see it as proof, and close and seal it with quen again.
And... that's it, in order to defeat a True Higher Vampire, or any other immortal able to regenerate, you simply must think outside (or in this case, inside) the box.
Hi guys, is there some mention in game about origin of Dettlaff 's "moth" brooch? I read that it was a gift from Regis but I can't remember any evidence from the story.
Any tips for the boss? I can't find a way to defeat him, he just deals way too much damage in his second stage. Any decoctions/stragies that I can use to make the battle a bit easier? I have most of the combat potions at Superior and have the full grandmaster feline set.