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A Professzor

A Professzor is a cunning assassin who was, along with the ismeretlen mágus, Azar Javed, one of the apparent leaders of Szalamandra's attack on Kaer Morhen keep. A Professzor's trademark is his highly sophisticated choice of words, and witty comments. He detests witcherek, regarding them as pathetic relics of the past, hampered by their sentimental and romantic notions.

Why he joined Szalamandra will always remain a mystery. Still more mysterious is why he would choose to be number two. If it was willingly or because of blackmail, no one can tell. But he apparently wasn't very happy with his choice, he and Azar Javed having had certain differences of opinion. This is not to suggest that he wasn't perfectly happy killing innocent bystanders and just plain anyone he felt like. He seemed to have issues with the power arrangements.

When Geralt finds himself unexpectedly incarcerated at the beginning of Act II, it turns out that A Professzor is one of his fellow inmates, but not for long. A Professzor is bailed out of jail by persons unknown, leaving Geralt to stew, but not before taunting him a little, as bad guys do. Their second encounter comes at the end of Act II when the witcher must again face him and Azar Javed. Their third encounter is their last. It is A Professzor's second last encounter with anyone or anything. His last rendezvous is with a hungry kikimór királynő.

Kapcsolódó küldetések[]


A Szalamandrák Kaer Morhen elleni támadásának egyik vezetője a Professzornak nevezett ravasz bérgyilkos volt. A másik vezér egy mágus.

Kiderült, hogy a Kaer Morhen elleni támadás nem az első merész tette volt a Professzornak. A letartóztatási parancs szerint ellenfelemet a törvény is kézre akarja keríteni.

A Professzor egy bűnöző, akit köröz a városi őrség. Letartóztatási parancsot adtak ki ellene.

A Professzort a szemem előtt engedték ki a börtönből. Gúnyt űzött a törvényből, és megmutatta, hogy milyen befolyásosak is a Szalamandrák.

A Professzor halott. Nem volt könnyű legyőzni, de nagyon jól esett.


  • His weapon of choice is a crossbow, sometimes wrist-mounted.
  • A Professzor from the számítógépes játék (called "Magister" in the Polish version) and Ralf Blunden (called "Profesor" in Polish), from the könyvek are not one and the same person. Ralf Blunden was killed by Geralt in Anchor, long before the attack on Kaer Morhen.
  • According to Triss Merigold in the Prológus, A Professzor is wanted in Redania, Temeria and Kaedwen.
  • Chatting with Eskel during the Prológus reveals that the disfigured witcher has heard A Professzor's a "pro" who has 17 men's lives on his "conscience"
  • A Professzor promised the bandits who attacked Kaer Morhen 50 orens for every witcher slain.
  • Azar Javed keeps fleeing battles, abandoning A Professzor to his own devices -- not much of an ally
  • In the Polish version of the game, he is voiced by Jarosław Boberek, who also played Yarpen Zigrin in A Hexer movie and TV series


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