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Witcher Wiki
Farkasfog Substances Small Hydragenum Substances Small Rubedo

Farkasfog – Egy mérgező, hallucinogén mocsári növény virágai.


 Vásárol  Elad 
15 oren  3 oren 


  • A mocsári növényekrol
  • You can obtain this journal entry by giving food to one of the old women in the Vizima Külváros or by giving the Scoia'tael dressed as a huntress feainnewedd in the Másfajúak tábor.
  • This entry can also be obtained by giving honeycomb, or 50 orens, to one of the women in the Kis faluban in Harmadik Fejezet after having completed Az aratás ideje. She can be found in the hut facing Vaska's house.


  • Farkasfog is used in the production of fisztekk
  • The blossoms of this swamp plant are poisonous and hallucinogenic. According to the woman in the Kis faluban, normally this plant grows in the water, but the variety found in the Swamp Forest outside Vizima grows on land.
  • Yaren Bolt tells Geralt about farkasfog during the Virágok és arany quest
  • In the real world, 'Farkasfog' is used as a name for several flowers in the Bidens-genus of the family Asteraceae.