Found on the carcasses of dead fléderek. They're also reasonably valuable and they don't require a bestiary entry to harvest. Szárny membrán, however, does require the entry. Fléder szemfogak have no alchemical value whatsoever.
A "Mellékhatások" kalandmodulban, they only fetch 6 orens.
- crypts
- outside The Hairy Bear at night sometimes
- in the garden outside the hospital sometimes, at night
- at the farthest end of the alley going by the dwarven blacksmith shop (around the corner), at night
- Velerad will pay for three Fléder szemfogak as per Felhívás fléderekről
- Alchemist in the piac in the Kereskedő Negyed will buy them
- Homályvíz gyógyító will buy them
- Remete in the Mezők will buy them