The list of available armor is even smaller than the list of fegyverrel. Geralt begins the game with no páncél at all, is then given his first szegecselt bőrkabát by Vesemir and then there are only two other sets of páncél he can acquire over the course of the rest of the game.
Rendes páncél[]
Szegecselt bőrkabát[]
Default armor with which Geralt starts the game.Stats
Quickslots (1)
A fine fashion statement, but not much more.
Mesteri bőrkabát[]
Can be bought from various merchants in during Acts II-III.Hollópáncél[]
The highest quality iron ores and state of the art technologies were used in the making of Hollópáncél, a legendary suit of armor worn by an even more legendary warrior. It was forged in the gnomes' workshops beneath Mount Carbon, but finished by elves. The songmaster Tyen'sail took an interest in the armor and worked for twelve days straight, each movement of his chisel accompanied by a song of power. It is said that the armor sang a song of victory for its wearer providing him with confidence and calm during battle.
Only three elements remain of Raven's armor: a spaulder, a rerebrace and a gauntlet. Geralt must find these or similar pieces of armor to reforge the protective suit as part of the Páncél quest.
A Rend Hollópáncélja[]
Obtained through the quests: Páncél and Szent Gergely litániája and with the help of an Order armorer in Act V. (you can only obtain one of Hollópáncél depending on the path you choose)Statisztika
Quickslots (3)
Looks like a studded black leather (with some metal spikes)
Tünde Hollópáncél[]
Obtained through the quests: Páncél and Gnóm gépezet and with the help of Malcolm Stein, the dwarven blacksmith, in Act V. (you can only obtain one of Hollópáncél depending on the path you choose)Statisztika
Quickslots (3)
Looks like a studded black leather (with some metal scales)
Obtained through the quests: Páncél and Mágikus formula and with the help of Kalkstein, alchemist and apparent master armorer, in Act V. (you can only obtain one of Hollópáncél depending on the path you choose)Statisztika
Quickslots (3)
Looks like studded black leather (with some metal knobs)