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Template:Infoboxmissione3 Contract

Contratto: Jenny dei Boschi è un contratto da witcher in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Nonostante il livello consigliato, questa missione offre un elevato grado di sfida. Può essere saggio svolgerla attorno ai livelli 15 - 16.

Some devilry's taken hold of our fields, something neither spirit nor phantom. Old Wil swears on his mother's grave it's like to be Jenny o' the Woods. Whether it is or it ain't, be careful and don't go into the fields alone, and most certainly not without scythe or rake in hand.
But if you've the courage to drive the foul thing off, you'll receive a handsome reward.
Bolko, ealdorman of Midcopse


  • Talk to the ealdorman of Midcopse.
  • Interrogate the witnesses. (Agneta)
  • Search the nearby fields using your Witcher Senses.
  • Use your Witcher Senses to determine what happened to the dragged body.
  • Read the letter you found in the shallow grave.
  • Ask the ealdorman about the lovers.
  • Find the lovers' meeting spot.
  • Burn Zula's letter and the dried blood from the knife.
  • Kill the monster
  • Take a trophy from the monster.
  • Collect your reward.

Voce del Diario The Witcher 3[]

While in the area around the village of Midcopse, Geralt decided to look around and see if there wasn't anyone in need of a witcher. It just so happened there was - on the local notice board hung an offer of a bounty for ridding the area of a monster called Jenny o' the Woods. Geralt decided this was something he should look into.
Geralt discovered that the monster the locals called Jenny o' the Woods was in fact a common nightwraith. This unfortunate being had been born of a woman murdered by her rejected lover. The story of their star-crossed fate moved me to pen a tear-jerking ballad... but the witcher was mainly moved to find a way to bait and destroy the wraith.
Geralt drove off the nightwraith that the unfortunate Zula had become. I derive some small pleasure in knowing that a person to whom life had been so cruel found at least this measure of relief after death..."

