Template:Infoboxmissione3 Prendili tutti è una missione secondaria in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. L'obiettivo è collezionare tutte le 166 carte dei quattro mazzi da gwent e tutte le 29 carte neutrali. Vengono considerate soltanto le carte del gioco base, non è necessario trovare le carte nelle due espansioni per completare questa missione.
- Mazzo Regni Settentrionali (40 carte)
- Mazzo Impero di Nilfgaard (41 carte)
- Mazzo Mostri (44 carte)
- Mazzo Scoia'tael (41 carte)
- Carte neutrali (29 carte)
- Complete your collection of Gwent cards
Voce del Diario The Witcher 3[]
- In his previous adventures, Geralt had gained fame as a master dice poker player. Yet having mastered all challengers in this arena, he had no choice but to find another in which to garner more laurels. He thus decided to take up gwent, and since he aimed to play at the highest levels, he felt he had to gather a complete collection of all the cards available – including some which could only be had by winning them off the best players around.