Template:Infoboxmissione3 Spirito libero è una missione secondaria in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
Geralt deve recuperare cinque libri e portarli a Ivar sull'Isola Snidhall che si trova molto a nord dell'antica cripta su Ard Skellig. I libri sono:
- Cambia la tua vita! Un manuale può essere acquistato dallo strozzino nelle Topaie, a Novigrad
- Il culto di Freya può essere acquistato da Marcus T.K. Hodgson in Piazza del Gerarca o dal predicatore in Piazza degli Elettori, sempre a Novigrad
- La curiosa storia di Vegga la Virtuosa può essere acquistato alla Bottega di Aeramas
- Religione e vita può essere acquistato dal commerciante di Nido del Corvo
- Tristianna e Isador può essere acquistato dal mercante di Lindenvale
- Gather books describing religious customs and precedents and take them to Ivar.
- Take the books you found to Ivar, he might find them interesting.
Voce del Diario The Witcher 3[]
- On one of Skellige's beaches, Geralt ran into a man desperately fending off an enraged assailant. The witcher could hardly look upon this spectacle impassively and decided to help. After the fight, Ivar, for this was the man's name, admitted his attacker had been the brother of the woman Ivar loved. He had sought to kill Ivar for seducing his sister, who was a priestess of Freya and thus bound by custom to a live a life of chastity. Ivar, however, refused to let religion stand in the way of his love and aimed to scour learned books for a precedent that would help him negotiate his beloved's release from her vows. Geralt agreed to bring him any relevant books he found.
- Geralt kept his word and brought Ivar all the books about love and religion he could find.