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The Witcher 2: Enhanced Edition è uscita a Maggio 2012, un anno dopo la versione "Vanilla" di The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings. L'Enhanced Edition è uscita per PC e per la prima volta per Xbox 360.

Questa nuova versione del videogioco contiene un alto numero di bug fixes, contiene tutte le patch uscite, i contenuti aggiuntivi, i DLCs e in più contiene altri bonus. Secono quanto dichiarato da CD Projekt RED contiene 4 ore di missioni, nuove scene filmate, un filmato introduttivo (che racconta l'assassinio di re Demavend e che non compariva nella prima versione uscita del gioco) e più di 100 altri aggiornamenti [1]. Inoltre è stato aggiunto un nuovo filmato conclusivo, e la narrazione di Dandelion tra i Capitoli. La maggior parte del contenuto bonus si concentra nel Capitolo III, dove compaiono le due nuove e principali missioni: "Gigli e vipere" e "I segreti di Loc Muinne". I possessori del gioco originale che lo hanno legalmente acquistato hanno ricevuto una copia della EE gratuitamente, scaricabile dal sito di GoG.com.

Nuove caratteristiche

Le nuove missioni del Capitolo III. Due missioni principali connesse con la storia che aggiungono altre 4 ore di gioco.
1) "Gigli e vipere"
Brigida Papebrock, una cortigiana di re Foltest, è stata incaricata da Vernon Roche di sedurre i due più potenti uomini di Temeria e nel contempo tenere d'occhio i figli illegittimi del re, Anais e Boussy. Brigida scopre il segreto che si nasconde dietro la morte del piccolo Boussy, per cui diventa una testimone scomoda e le viene data la caccia. Chi è il colpevole dell'omicidio del bambino? Chi tra il Conte Maravel e il Barone Kimbolt è coinvolto? La verità sulla scomparsa dell'ultimo erede di Foltest si nasconde nella fitta rete di accuse e intrighi dei nobili della corte di Temeria.
2) "I segreti di Loc Muinne"
La maga Cynthia conduce Geralt di Rivia al laboratorio del misterioso Aep Dearhenna, un mago che scoprì il segreto della caduta dei Vran. Il witcher sarà in grado di lavorare fianco a fianco con la maga ingannatrice, che si è presa gioco della grande Philippa Eilhart e che si è rivelata essere una giovane, ma astuta agente al servizio dell'Impero di Nilfgaard? Che cosa stanno cercando i Servizi Segreti di Nilfgaard nelle grotto sotterranee di Loc Muinne? Qual è la scoperta di Aep Dearhenna? In questa missione, il witcher e la maga dovranno affronatre numerose sfide nei lunghi e angusti tunnel sotterranei sotto l'antica città, infestati da pericolosi mostri.
Nuove scene animate di transizione. Aggiungte nuove scene cinematiche, che riassumono ogni Capitolo della storia, una volta completati. Si tratta di scene di transizione che introducono il giocatore in una nuova parte della vicenda e che lo informano sulla nuova posizione geografica, dove si svolgeranno i seguenti fatti.
Frontiere finali. Queste sequenze video, composte da scene e spezzoni di filmati, riassumono tutte le scelte fatte dal giocatore nel corso della storia. Questi video sono basati sugli stessi livelli del videogioco, dei personaggi e delle caratteristiche dell'eroe, facendo uso di alcune effetti speciali e inquadrature della telecamera. In tutto si tratta di 12 filmati che mostrano gli "stati" del mondo a seconda delle scelte del giocatore stesso. Al completamento del gioco, il giocatore assiste alle scelte chiave, narrate in filmati di 30 secondi. La loro durata complessiva è di 2'30".
Nuovo video – 'Witchers'. Realizzato per i giocatori novelli, che si introducono per la prima volta nel mondo di The Witcher o che giocano un videogioco della trilogia per la prima volta. Si tratta di un video con disegni di animazione 2D, animati in Flash, nello stesso stile dei Flashback di Geralt. Il filmato descrive che cos'è un witcher.
New Game Intro. This 3.5 minute, pre-rendered cinematic (CG), directed by BAFTA Award winner and Academy Award nominee Tomasz Bagiński, depicts the assassination of King Demavend, a key historical event occurring shortly before the beginning of The Witcher 2.
New Game Outro. This new 1.5 minute, engine-rendered cut scene appears at the end of the game and serves as teaser for what's to come. An ordinary man witnesses a Nilfgaardian army assembling to march. Requiring extensive post-processing and featuring original environments, lighting and assets, this high quality sequence serves as a cliff hanger, building player anticipation for the next installment in the Witcher series.
New Locations. Fresh locations were produced for the significant new quests now available in Chapter 3. These includes a system of underground chambers beneath Loc Muinne and a temperate coniferous forest with a secret cave passage in the mountains surrounding the ancient city.
Additional Cut Scenes. Eleven new rendered cut scenes have been added at various junctures to enrich in-game events. Created using a new set of motion-captured animations, these additions include 3 engine-rendered cut scenes illustrating the events that transpire in Loc Muinne when Geralt is engaged elsewhere. Each movie is made of 3 fully animated and rendered scenes that required extensive post production.
Dolby* Digital Support. The game is presented in Dolby® Digital surround sound. Connect your PC with Dolby Digital Live technology to a sound system with Dolby Digital decoding using a S/PDIF digital audio cable. Make sure that your PC is configured properly to deliver Dolby Digital audio during gameplay to experience the excitement of surround sound.

Additionally, The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition includes all features previously added under Version 2.0.

  1. Arena
    "Arena" is a new gameplay mode that is separate from the main adventure and narrative of The Witcher 2. In this mode, Geralt of Rivia duels a variety of foes to the death in a gladiatorial arena located in an unnamed town somewhere in the Northern Kingdoms. In addition to winning gold and valuable items, players also receive points for their wins. They can then post their point totals on-line to compare their achievements against those of other blood sport enthusiasts around the world. Geralt can encounter both foes and allies in the arena. He can recruit the latter for a fee to assist him during his most challenging clashes.To post your point totals to the forum, you must be registered and have a forum account! Register and establish your account directly through the game launcher or go to www.thewitcher.com. You can then log in to your account via the launcher. IMPORTANT: Players using mods to alter their character attributes and statistics will not be able to post their point totals from the Arena to the server. This is a necessary precaution to prevent any attempts at distorting competition or misrepresenting player achievements.
  2. Tutorial
    The game tutorial takes the form of a brief adventure during which players learn how to use a range of game mechanics and functionalities. Assuming the role of game protagonist Geralt of Rivia, players save a wounded knight named Bolton of Ironford while learning game controls as well as the basics of combat and alchemy. This transpires step by step as the tutorial guides players through a series of minor missions. Upon completion, based on demonstrated abilities, the tutorial recommends the difficulty level which the player should choose in embarking on the main adventure of The Witcher 2.
  3. Dark Difficulty
    The "Dark" difficulty setting is the most demanding difficulty level in gameplay terms. Under this setting, each and every foe represents a significant challenge. In addition to raising the difficulty bar, the module includes several new sets of equipment/items that are linked through a dark legend detailed in the Journal. Once all their components have been collected and donned, the Blasphemer's, Oathbreaker's and Kinslayer's outfits provide great advantages in combat. The swords included in the outfits strip opponents of Vitality while supplementing the witcher's. However, given that they are cursed, the swords provide no benefit and harm Geralt by sapping him of Vitality as long as the outfits to which they belong remain incomplete.


Changelog for the changes and improvements to the The Witcher 2: Enhanced Edition:

  1. Launcher now includes an option to toggle DLCs off and on.
  2. Assorted animals have been added to the game.
  3. New werewolf trophy has been added in Chapter 3.
  4. New, randomly dispersed swords have been added.
  5. Fixed error in potions_time_bonus value at level 2 of ‘Specialization: Potions’ ability.
  6. Fixed description of 'Control over the Power' ability.
  7. Fixed incorrect description of ‘Alchemist’ ability.
  8. Fixed incorrect description of ‘Amplification’ ability at level 2.
  9. Fixed incorrect description of ‘Energy Flow’ ability at level 2.
  10. Fixed incorrect description of ‘Control over the Power’ ability at level 2.
  11. Fixed incorrect description of ‘Synthesis’ ability at level 2.
  12. Fixed incorrect description of ‘Combat Acumen’ ability.
  13. Fixed incorrect description of Gadwall potion.
  14. Fixed the balance of the ‘Position’ ability at level 2.
  15. Fixed incorrect damage calculation for ‘Whirl’ ability.
  16. Fixed spark FX and no damage taken when rolling while being attacked by foe.
  17. Fixed incorrect notification when using Axii Sign on golems.
  18. Mahakam Rune Sihil sword is now imported from TW1 game saves to New Game.
  19. Parry and Signs are now improved when Geralt has increased Vigor.
  20. Parry bug has been fixed. Players can no longer parry for 0 damage.
  21. Quen Sign has been significantly nerfed. It now wears off after one or two hits.
  22. Adrenaline no longer loads during boss fights.
  23. Fixed bug that caused Igni to deal no damage when used right after a sword hit.
  24. Fixed incorrect game behavior when saving game while casting bombs.
  25. Kayran now casts fewer stones at end of fight.
  26. Fixed bug allowing potions to be consumed with Toxicity at 100%.
  27. Finisher performed on rotfiends no longer adds additional weapon.
  28. Redanian soldiers in Chapter 3 now spawn correctly.
  29. Fire now removes Quen Sign during dragon boss fight in Chapter 3.
  30. Fixed targeting on dragon in Chapter 3.
  31. Added new statistics for NPCs to correct game balance in Chapter 3.
  32. Cat potion effect now disappears during dialogue sequences and cut scenes.
  33. Target marker and enemy names have been removed from fist fights.
  34. Fixed display name for wraiths.
  35. Small fixes introduced in NPC taunt behavior during fights.
  36. Fixed NPC behavior after combat.
  37. All critical effects dealt to player are canceled before any scene starts.
  38. Fixed unusual behavior of clothing when using Heliotrope Sign.
  39. Small fixes introduced in Dice Poker mini-game.
  40. Several fixes introduced in mini-maps.
  41. Fixed several camera shots in dialogue sequences.
  42. Fixed dialogue camera in ‘Blood Curse’ quest.
  43. Walkmesh fixed in Roche’s tent.
  44. Walkmesh fixed in Chapter 3 sewers.
  45. Walkmesh fixed when following Roche on Chapter 3.
  46. Walkmesh fixed in central square of Loc Muinne.
  47. Walkmesh fixed near Nilfgaardian camp in Chapter 3.
  48. Fixed several camera collisions.
  49. Fixed tent roof collisions in Chapter 3.
  50. Fixed collisions in butcher’s house in Flotsam.
  51. Fixed collisions on Roche’s ship.
  52. Fixed chest collision on ship in Chapter 2.
  53. Fixed broken poster at Flotsam gate.
  54. Fixed Temerian flag collision.
  55. Fixed several locations, decorations, walkmeshes and occluders.
  56. Small fixes made in environment blending.
  57. Assorted fixes made in character lighting.
  58. Fixed flying meshes in Prologue.
  59. Fixed blinking trees in Chapter 3.
  60. Fixed blinking grass on Draug location.
  61. Fixed low detail texture on rock in camp of the Order of the Flaming Rose.
  62. Fixed Wild Hunt graphics in Chapter 3.
  63. Fixed clock in Meditation panel.
  64. Fixed broken texture during Meditation in UI.
  65. Fixed spyglass icon in Inventory.
  66. Added mages’ banner to Epilogue in Loc Muinne.
  67. Added Nilfgaardian flags in Chapter 3.
  68. Added new FX for magic in Epilogue.
  69. Fixed trade stalls in Flotsam so they close at night.
  70. Fixed Geralt’s head on cut scene in Prologue.
  71. Fixed Golem’s facial expressions.
  72. Fixed ragdoll effect on Golem’s body.
  73. Fixed ragdoll effect on nekkers.
  74. Fixed distortions on Saskia’s voice in cut scene in Chapter 2.
  75. ‘Sneak’ mode music is now saved and reappears when a game is loaded.
  76. Several fixes introduced in cut scene audio.
  77. Fixed cut-scene sound synchronization.
  78. Missing sounds supplemented in Chapter 3 cut scenes.
  79. Balance of sound and music fixed in Epilogue.
  80. Fixed problems with music playback in Epilogue.
  81. Fixed reverb in sewers in Chapter 3.
  82. Fixed mage teleport sound effect.
  83. Fixed crowd in amphitheatre in Chapter 3.
  84. Fixed waypoint for Geralt’s death cut scene in Loc Muinne.
  85. Fixed situation whereby Geralt could tell Dethmold that he had a spearhead when this was not present in the Inventory.
  86. Triss now always casts spell when interviewing wounded elf in Chapter 1.
  87. Shilard now holds the Triss figurine when showing it to Assire.
  88. Fixed block on Roche’s movement during fight against soldiers on the walls in Chapter 3.
  89. Fixed blocker in ‘Conspiracy’ quest in Chapter 2.
  90. Items collected in Prologue now appear in correct slots at the opening of Chapter 1.
  91. Fixed interaction with Síle’s megascope in Chapter 3.
  92. Fixed highlight effect on doors when using Medallion in Chapter 3.
  93. Chest can now be looted after fight with Letho in Chapter 1.
  94. Added loot to Dethmold’s chest.
  95. Fixed loot in containers in Chapter 3.
  96. Fixed Letho’s gestures in dialogue sequence in Chapter 3.
  97. Fixed a number of inconsistent Journal entries.
  98. Fixed Dethmold’s grimoire so it appears in ‘Quest Item’ category in Inventory.
  99. Fixed instances where ‘Esc Menu’ could not be accessed.
  100. Game can now be saved while walking through the forest with Anezka.
  101. Assorted fixes made in game saving functionality and associated menus.
  102. Assorted localization improvements have been made.


Save games from the regular game loaded into the Enhanced Edition will work. However, in Chapter II, during the Vergen Besieged quest (Iorveth's path), you need to turn a certain wheel to progress with the game. If you are playing from a non-EE Witcher 2 save, this wheel will be sideways in the wall and non-interactive, effectively breaking the game. The only workaround (other than starting a new game) is to uninstall Witcher 2 EE, reinstall the non-EE version, load the save right before the wheel, turn it, play until the next autosave, then quit, install the Enhanced Edition and play the game normally.

At the end of the same quest, after the cutscene at the end of chapter II, the game freezes in middle of scene.

