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Amadis de Trastamara was a baron of Toussaint and a keen hunter.


During a feast at Beauclair Palace in October 1267, he was assigned a seat next to Milva but, unlike everyone else in Geralt's company and their nearby seating companions, Amadis and Milva didn't talk at all. It wasn't until the main dish, an enormous elk, was brought out that Amadis even made a comment, noting it'd been a 6-point, 7 hundredweight and forty pounds creature. When Geralt questioned the baron if he was the one that killed it, he corrected the witcher in that it was his son-in-law that did before he tried to back out of the conversation, believing the ladies would find the topic dull. This piqued Milva's interest though and the two began to discuss bows and how well they could shoot at far distances. At one point during the dinner Amadis enthusiastically invited Milva to go hunting or, at the very least, for him to show her his residence and collection of animal trophies he'd hunted.

Throughout the winter, Amadis and Milva went on a few hunting trips together, some which lasted a couple days, until one day, in early January, he proposed to her. However, Milva turned him down and upset, the baron left Beauclair.

