Amber dust is a crafting component in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt that is needed to craft the following items:
- Lesser Dazhbog runestone
- Lesser Glyph of Igni
- Ofieri boots (regular game only)
- Ofieri gauntlets (regular game only)
- Order of the Flaming Rose sword
- Shiadhal's armor
It can be found as regular random loot, random drop from archgriffins, or purchased from the following merchants:
- All armorers and blacksmiths, except the one at Ardaiso Quarry
- Armors and weapons merchants in Nilfgaardian Army Group 'Center' Camp
- Merchant in the boatyard south of Refugees' Camp
- Merchant at Calveit Watchtower
- Merchant at Coast of Wrecks
- Merchant in Ursten
- Merchant by the road west of White Eagle Fort
- Merchant at the sawmill northeast of Rannvaig
- Merchant at the Isolated Hut on Hindarsfjall
- Merchant in Mohrin Village
- Merchant in Stacheier
- Ofieri merchant at Upper Mill
Amber dust can also be obtained by dismantling:
- Amber
- Amber fragment
- Anathema
- Arainne
- Ard'aenye
- Blave
- Caerme
- Dahlia (relic)
- Daystar
- Fate
- Gynvael Aedd
- Hope
- Loathen
- Naevde Seidhe
- Ofieri boots
- Ofieri gauntlets
- Order of the Flaming Rose sword (crafted)
- Princess Xenthia's sword
- Shiadhal's armor
- Squire's steel sword (relic)
- The Emmentaler
- Tlareg
- Tor Lara
- Toussaint knight's steel sword (crafted)
- Toussaint steel sword (crafted)
- Ultimatum