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During its history, Attre was ruled by at least three families.

Venger's family

COA Attre

The last member of the original Attrean dynasty living in Attre was Prince Venger. After the Six Years' War, during which his family sided with king Abdank, he was forced to leave his domain. In exile he founded Vengerberg. An offshot of this family, beginning with Venger's granddaughter Aedireen, became known as the Aedirnian Dynasty.

Known members

Windhalm's family

COA Attre Skel
COA Attre Cin

The next known dynasty fell under the Cintran influence. It was notable by aiding queen Calanthe's forces in Battle of Hochebuz, after which she granted them it ability to use Cintran Lion in the Duchy's coat of arms. The family lost its control over the duchy after Duke Windhalm, its last member, was executed by Nilfgaard after Cintra rebellion.

Known members

var Attre family

COA Attre Nilf

After the rebellion, ducal title was given to an individual who then became known as Duke var Attre. It is uncertain whether his family was some nilfgaardized Attrean noble house or came from the Empire, but either way its members were Nilfgaardian in culture and obtained important positions within the Empire.

Known members
