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The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings[]

The Beann'shie is the most powerful and one of the best steel swords in The Witcher 2. The diagram to craft this weapon can be found in the ruins of the asylum in Chapter I as random loot, but it is extremely rare. You can find a crafted Beann'shie in the same place but it is even more rare. The diagram can also be found randomly in Chapter III in the Nekker Cave.


The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt[]

Beann'shie is a steel sword available in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and comes in 2 different forms:

Beann'shie (crafted)[]

Crafting Requirements Tw2 icon crafting
Min. Required Level: Master blacksmith

Beann'shie (relic)[]

While technically only available as random loot, due to a randomization bug, Beann'shie is guaranteed to appear in the following places after reaching a high enough level:


