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There are two blacksmiths in Fayrlund, both play gwent using the Monsters deck, and both sell mostly the same things as all other Skellige blacksmiths, with only a couple minor items differing.


This blacksmith is always present and his custom store has a couple of crossbows and broadhead bolts.


This is the person in distress northwest from the village and is only available immediately after being rescued. He has to be escorted on his way home or he'll get stuck panicking near a couple of bears, even though they aren't close enough to threaten him. Upon reaching the village, he'll usually stand close to his colleague, but will be gone the next time Geralt visits Fayrlund. In addition to the usual stuff, he sells just a few alchemy ingredients.


  • The rescue uses a store meant for the blacksmith in Larvik, who in turn is actually a clone of the permanent one here.
  • In the brief period that the rescued blacksmith is available, depending on previous interactions he may end up standing in different spots (including the permanent one's sitting spot, forcing him to stand up). If they end up too close to each other, that effectively links them and prevents the rescue from being talked to, even if he is correctly targeted.
  • There's a third NPC named "Blacksmith" in Fayrlund, who usually just constantly bangs on the anvil to the side and only replies with a couple of non-interactive dialogue lines. This person goes missing when the rescued blacksmith returns home, suggesting that the two should probably just replace each other. However, on the next visit he's back again and the rescue is nowhere to be seen.