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Tw3 achievements friend in need unlocked
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Tw3 achievements friend in need unlocked

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The Pikes king of the Pontar, the Pike damn it!
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- Gwent: The Witcher Card Game
Audio version: Media:Caesar Bilzen voice line.mp3

Caesar Bilzen was the accountant of Novigrad crime lord Cleaver. He resided in a spacious manor on Hierarch Square. A friend of Zoltan's and an avid Gwent card collector, he was in possession of the unique "Fringilla Vigo" card.

In the dwarf's house Geralt discovers that he is actually a secret admirer of Nilfgaard, with a room filled with various Nilfgaardian memorabilia.

If Geralt helps Caesar: When Cleaver sent some of his men to capture Caesar to punish him for some discrepancies in the ledger, Geralt and Zoltan helped Caesar to beat them, after which the dwarf packed and left the city.

Associated quests[]

