Dark iron plate is a crafting component in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt that can be dismantled into dark iron ingot. It is needed to craft the following items:
- Toussaint Ducal Guard Officer's armor
- Toussaint Ducal Guardsman's armor
- Toussaint knight's armor
- Toussaint knight's tourney boots
- Toussaint knight's tourney gauntlets
- Toussaint knight's tourney trousers
Crafting Requirements
It can be purchased from the following merchants:
- All armorers and blacksmiths
- Armors and weapons merchants in Nilfgaardian Army Group 'Center' Camp
- Merchant in the boatyard south of Refugees' Camp
- Merchant at Calveit Watchtower
- Merchant at Coast of Wrecks
- Merchant in Ursten
- Merchant by the road west of White Eagle Fort
- Merchant at the sawmill northeast of Rannvaig
- Merchant at the Isolated Hut on Hindarsfjall
- Merchant in Mohrin Village
- Merchant in Stacheier
Only one can be looted, from Arnvald's chest in the event that he dies during the secondary quest, King's Gambit. Dark iron plates can also be obtained by dismantling:
- Prior to Patch 1.22, this item could not be crafted, and it was also silently added to merchant stores in an unknown patch (possibly also 1.22, just unannounced). It did exist in the first game release and could be found in Arnvald's chest, but didn't have any purpose until the Blood and Wine expansion.
- The crafting diagram added by patch 1.22 also technically existed in the game files for the first release, but was commented-out and explicitly marked as something that would be part of future DLC.