Diagram: Shiadhal's armor is a crafting diagram in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt that is needed to craft Shiadhal's armor.
It can be found during the treasure hunt quest The Dead Have No Defense, in Niellen's chest at the Isolated Shack if he is killed during the secondary quest Wild at Heart, at random diagram locations, or purchased from the following merchants:
- All base game armorers except Zoltan Chivay
- Armors merchant in Nilfgaardian Army Group 'Center' Camp
- Merchant in the boatyard south of Refugees' Camp
- Merchant at Coast of Wrecks
- Merchant in Ursten
- Merchant at the sawmill northeast of Rannvaig
- Merchant in Mohrin Village
- This diagram was also supposed to be found at the roadside bandit camp north of Coast of Wrecks, and as themed loot inside the Cavern north of Novigrad. However, the custom containers for both places are unused and the treasure chests are randomized instead.