Eatewedd, later known as Feainne, was a dryad of Brokilon who engaged in a romantic relationship with Prince Jurkast of Maribor. She was described as a beautiful woman with sharp, regular facial features, dark complexion and long red hair.
Less than twenty years before Northern War I, Eatewedd bore her first daughter, Daermelionors. Few months later, she was chosen by Eithné to participate in a ritual: two dryads were to sleep with two human noblemen in order to give birth to two girls chosen by Destiny to "save Brokilon and die". At the appointed night, she slept with Prince Jurkast of Maribor.
Next morning, however, enamoured Jurkast managed to seduce Eatewedd and persuaded her to go with him to his palace. While wonderful at the beginning, their love did not lasted long. About five years after birth of Minneluned, their daughter, Eatewedd convinced the castle's falconer to escort her to her motherland, where she and Minneluned drank the Water of Brokilon. After their memory was cleansed, they assumed new names: the mother became known as Feainne and the daughter as Woédgláeddyv.

Once upon a time during Feainne's service as the forest's sentinel in the swampy area near the border with Maribor 13 years later, she and two other dryads followed Jurkast's emissaries, though unnoticed by the humans. After the emissaries were attacked by a vypper, the sentinels intervened and shot the monster. Humans recognized Eatewedd in their savior but she did not remember that name even though it rang some bells.
She escorted them to Duén Canell where Eithné, after long negotiations, agreed to send Minneluned back to Maribor. At the forest's border, while she was goodbyeing her daughter, she heard a swishing sound.
- If the emissaries (players) intervened: the bolt did not reach its destination. After long fight, the assassin was defeated but died before he could be questioned. On his jacket there was a symbol of an unknown organization.
- If the emissaries (players) failed to intervene: Feainne died, covering her daughter. After long fight between the emmisaries and the assassin, the latter was defeated but died before he could be questioned. On his jacket there was a symbol of an unknown organization.