Witcher Wiki
Witcher Wiki
Witcher Wiki
Official wiki


Note: Listed prices are without a possible 10% discount, which can be earned by completing the main quest The Play's the Thing with all correct lines from the script. The discount applies to both buy and sell prices, but the value is rounded up when buying and rounded down when selling.
Note: Only one of each item may be offered at a time. Clothing prices are for a regular game, where the items always spawn at level 1. However, they will vary with the starting level in a New Game +.

Image Item Sell price Buy price
Tw3 shirt
Shirt 24 Oren3 148 Oren3
Tw3 nilfgaardian casual suit 1
Elegant courtier's doublet (version 1) 27 Oren3 164 Oren3
Tw3 nilfgaardian casual suit 2
Elegant courtier's doublet (version 2) 27 Oren3 168 Oren3
Tw3 nilfgaardian casual suit 3
Elegant courtier's doublet (version 3) 23 Oren3 145 Oren3
Tw3 skellige casual suit 1
Elegant Skellige shirt 58 Oren3 355 Oren3
Tw3 skellige casual suit 2
Skellige tunic 60 Oren3 366 Oren3
Tw3 nilfgaardian casual shoes
Elegant Nilfgaardian shoes 15 Oren3 95 Oren3
Tw3 skellige casual shoes
Skellige festive slippers 34 Oren3 212 Oren3
Tw3 nilfgaardian casual pants
Nilfgaardian trousers 17 Oren3 106 Oren3
Tw3 skellige casual pants 1
Skellige breeches (version 1) 29 Oren3 181 Oren3
Tw3 skellige casual pants 2
Skellige breeches (version 2) 29 Oren3 181 Oren3
Tw3 wolf mask
Wolf mask n/a 1 Oren3
Tw3 harlequin mask
Harlequin mask n/a 1 Oren3
Tw3 bird mask
Bird mask n/a 1 Oren3
Tw3 q301 triss mask
Triss' fox mask (only during A Matter of Life and Death) n/a 1 Oren3