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She comes during snowstorms, wearing white. Brings calamity when she appears...
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- Geralt describing Eredin, pg. 36 Ronin

Eredin Bréacc Glas was a yuki onna (Lady of Snow) and master of the Hyakki Yagyō, a ghastly precession otherwise known as the Wild Hunt, or the "100 Oni Prowling the Night". They terrorised the Japanese-inspired land, and were feared greatly by the population.[1]


At some point, she kidnapped Ciri and took her far from her father Geralt. The witcher/ronin followed her trail for a while, and eventually near Mount Kaijinzan saw a glimpse of Eredin. After he met the logger Tasuke, who had lusted over the yuki onna - even going so far as to kill his jealous wife - he followed her to the mountain and they fought. Eredin, aided by yukinko, was able to soundly defeat the witcher, though toying with him, had revealed Ciri's location: over the Golden Bridge. A friendly nekomata appeared and told Geralt to grab Ciri's sword from Eredin, throwing a shuriken at the sword to knock it to the ground. which Eredin had been flaunting over the witcher. After doing so, the two fled away from the specter to begin Geralt's trip to the bridge.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Ronin