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Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked
"Do you really wish to know?" — Spoilers from the books and/or adaptations to follow!
Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked

Erkyn von Blunt, otherwise known as Thaler's mute friend at A Posh Reception. Thaler says he has taken at least two vows: a vow of silence and a vow to protect the Royal Family, despite Adda's obvious contempt. What is his game? Perhaps a drink would loosen him up?

Geralt meets this fellow in Chapter III, during the posh reception at The New Narakort. He does not speak, at least not at first, and Thaler explains that von Blunt has designated him as his spokesman, considering that his vow does not permit him to speak and that he is hoping for an audience with Leuvaarden as well as the Princess.

A few tankards of any medium strength alcohol later and that vow is no more. Erkyn lets it slip that he is really just one of Thaler's boys who is supposed to be there incognito. He begs the witcher not to publicize his lamentable lapse in judgement and gives Geralt the House of the Night signet ring to keep quiet.


  • Erkyn has supposedly taken a vow of silence, sworn on a heron. This is a reference to The Lady of the Lake, where many of the errant knights of Toussaint take vows on a roast heron.

Associated quest[]
