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Far South is a geographical term applied to regions located beyond the southern boundaries of the Continent or, to be more concrete, Empire of Nilfgaard. The place is presumably divided from the Continent by at least two seas, one of which is the Great Sea. Due to being located so far from other human and nonhuman civilizations, locals naturally developed entirely unique cultures and languages.

For Nordlings, realms of Far South and their histories are still very mysterious, whereas libraries of the City of Golden Towers, much closer to the region, contain more concrete knowledge on the matter.[1]


Far South is often referred to as "beyond the seas" by Nordlings, even though some scholars believe that there exists a land connection with the Continent.[2] At least at certain points in the history, Nilfgaardian Empire shared a border with Far Southern realms,[3] including Barsa,[4] and warred with them,[3] eventually absorbing a number of formerly Barsan regions.[4]

Far South's climate is sunnier and warmer than that of the Northern Realms or Nilfgaard, and its regions encompass diverse landscapes such as deserts,[5] savannas,[2] and lush jungles.[6]


WGW Far South

Being a collection of multiple regions, Far South doesn't have a single unified culture. Ofir alone consisted of a number of fallen empires, rich kingdoms, and nomadic tribes.[7] Barsa was divided into a number of small states called taifas[4] and its customs demanded that all girls guarded their virginity until they wed.[6]

An art of runic enchanting, known in Common Nordling as runewrighting, is flourishing in the area Dulla kh'Amanni and his companion originate from.[7]

Geralt once visited an area in Far South inhabited by swarthy and black people. He described the local people to Nenneke as worshipping different gods and lacking magic or the concept of ownership, but living closer to nature in a land blessed by lack of monsters.[8]

Fauna and flora[]

Ofir and Zangvebar, two of the lands which lie beyond the seas, are famous for having white horses with black stripes,[6] called zebras. In various Far Southern regions, one can also find elephants,[9][5] camels,[10][5] rhinoceroses, leopards, jaguars, cheetahs and lions, crocodiles, alligators and huge lizards, gorillas and monkeys,[9] cobras,[5] and hyenas.[11] While native to Zerrikania in the Eastern Lands,[10] tigers can also be found in Ofir, though it is unclear whether they live in the area naturally or are imported.[5]

Kaer Morhen's bestiaries count gigascorpions, crab spider, scarletias, wights, lamias, and frighteners, among monsters that dwell in the deserts, albeit it's not specified which are native to the Great Korath east of Nilfgaard and which to Far South's deserts;[10] in Ofiri sands one can also stumble upon a desert banshee.[5] Zangvebar's wastes are home to the cynocephali.[12] Some areas in Far South lack monsters, which Nenneke attributed to the lack of Power-hungry sorcerers meddling with the energies of nature.[8]


Marine trade routes from Ofir, Zangvebar, and other exotic countries lead to seaside cities like Novigrad,[6] Gors Velen,[10] or Baccalà,[2] bringing north wares like mimosa bark,[6], spices,[13] ivory, or silk.[14] Zangvebarians also sell captive cynocephali.[12]


