Witcher Wiki
Witcher Wiki

This article describes the directory structure of The Witcher computer game.


When a path starts with a backslash character ('\'), it means that the installation directory has been omitted from the path. For example, assuming that you have installed the game to the C:\Program Files\The Witcher directory, \DATA would mean C:\Program Files\The Witcher\DATA


Once you have completed installation, you will have the following directory structure:


The root, containing a few files.


The \DATA directory contains all game data that will be loaded by the game at some point.


The \LAUNCHER directory contains a collection of PNG images that are used for localization of the launcher.

The launcher itself is \LAUNCHER.EXE).


The \REGISTER directory contains a collection of PNG images and DLLs for localization of the registration tool.

The registration tool itself is \REGISTER.EXE.


The \SYSTEM directory contains several things:

- the font cache
- MSS (Miles Sound System) DLLs and files
- scripts (.LUC and .BFX)
- game EXE and DLLs
- copy-protection EXE and DLLs

Points of interest

For modders: the \DATA and \SYSTEM\SCRIPTS directories. See Modding.

For casual wonderers: \DATA directory contains a bunch of BIK movies. See BIK format.
