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With the Hearts of Stone expansion, several new gwent cards were added in, including a new leader card for the 4 main factions.

Icon Name Type Row Str. Ability Deck
Tw3 icon gwent melee neutral Bovine Defense Force Unit Tw3 gwent close combat 8 Neutral
Tw3 icon gwent melee neutral Cow Unit Tw3 gwent ranged combat 0 When this card is removed from the battlefield, it summons a powerful new Unit Card to take its place. Neutral
Tw3 icon gwent hero nilfgaard Emhyr var Emreis: Invader of the North leader Invader of the North: Abilities that restore a unit to the battlefield restore a randomly-chosen unit. Affects both players. Tw3 gwent deck Nilfgaardian
Tw3 icon gwent hero monsters Eredin Bréacc Glas: The Treacherous leader Doubles the strength of all spy cards (affects both players). Tw3 gwent deck Monsters
Tw3 icon gwent hero northern realms Foltest: Son of Medell leader Destroy your enemy's strongest Ranged Combat unit(s) if the combined strength of all his or her Ranged Combat units is 10 or more. Tw3 gwent deck Northern Realms
Tw3 icon gwent hero scoiatael Francesca Findabair: Hope of the Aen Seidhe leader Hope of the Aen Seidhe: Move agile units to whichever valid row maximizes their strength (don't move units already in optimal row). Tw3 gwent deck Scoiatael
Tw3 icon gwent siege neutral Gaunter O'Dimm Unit Tw3 gwent siege 2 Muster: Find any cards with the same name in your deck and play them instantly. Neutral
Tw3 icon gwent range neutral Gaunter O'Dimm: Darkness Unit Tw3 gwent ranged combat 4 Muster: Find any cards with the same name in your deck and play them instantly. Neutral
Tw3 icon gwent soldier neutral Olgierd von Everec Unit Tw3 gwent close-ranged 6 Morale boost: Adds +1 to all units in the row (excluding itself).
Agile: Can be placed in either the Close Combat or the Ranged Combat row. Cannot be moved once placed.
Tw3 icon gwent siege scoiatael Schirrú Unit Tw3 gwent siege 8 Scorch - Siege: Destroys your enemy's strongest Siege Combat unit(s) if the combined strength of all his or her Siege Combat units is 10 or more. Tw3 gwent deck Scoiatael
Tw3 icon gwent range monsters Toad Unit Tw3 gwent ranged combat 7 Scorch - Ranged: Destroy your enemy's strongest Ranged Combat unit(s) if the combined strength of all his or her Ranged Combat units is 10 or more. Tw3 gwent deck Monsters