Hierophants are the male leaders of druid circles. The female equivalents are called "flaminikas". The leader of the circle at Caed Myrkvid was a flaminique. It was her idea to take the old wives' tales of druids burning trespassers alive in wicker hags and make it a reality.[1]
The Witcher[]
This unnamed hierophant can be found in the druids' grove in the swamp with the other druids once Chapter III has begun. He is a professional dice poker player and knows one of Geralt's old acquaintances, Mousesack, who is also a druid. Geralt, having amnesia, can not remember Mousesack, though.
Associated quests[]
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt[]
In the third game, Ermion is hierophant of the druids' circle on Skellige.