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Gwent cardart unknown kaedweni heavy cavalry

Like many others countries in the Northern Realms, the Kingdom of Kaedwen maintains a large and well-trained army, full of valorous commanders and brave soldiers able to tolerate the terribly cold weather of the terrain.

Although the Kaedweni soldiers are not the best swordsman of the Northern Kingdoms, they're without a doubt the best in the use of Siege weapon and of the cavalry units;

The "crème de la crème" of the Kaedweni Army was the Dun Banner, a cavalry unit characterized by soldiers wearing beaver cloaks and caps. When the Nilfgaardian Army invaded the kingdom of Aedirn, the unit came to help their neighbors, succeeding in freeing the Lormark. Although King Henselt of Ard Carraigh considered his soldiers as "liberators", it was attested that the treatment reserved by the Kaedwenis to the inhabits of the Lormark was even worse than that of the Nilfgaardians. Later then, during the Peace of Cintra, the Lormak was returned to King Demavend III of Aedirn.

The Dun Banner took also part in the Battle of Brenna in 1268 where they destroyed the Nilfgaardians soldiers under their hooves.

In the same year, King Henselt and Vandergrift marched again to the Lormark and camped his army in the surroundings of the city of Vergen, which he later started besieging. This was the beginning of a bloody conflict that would last over three years.

