Longrube is an alchemy ingredient in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt that is needed to craft the following items:
It can be found as random loot, gathered from plants, or purchased from the following merchants:
- All herbalists except Yolar
- Gremist at Gedyneith
- Jonna in Rannvaig
- Keira Metz
- Merchant at the sawmill in White Orchard
- Generic Merchant in Nilfgaardian Army Group 'Center' Camp
- Merchant at the Boatmakers' Hut
- Merchant southeast of the Border Post
- Merchant in fishing village east of Stonecutters' Settlement
- Merchant in the campsite west of Lurtch
- Merchant at Mire Landing (Cestersover)
- Merchant at a crossroads between Mulbrydale and Devil's Pit
- Merchant by the bonfire at Road to Bald Mountain
- Merchant in the Fish Market in Novigrad
- The Pellar near Blackbough
- Wandering merchants in Velen and Novigrad
- Wandering merchant in White Orchard during the epilogue
- Merchant at Crane Cape