The Lyrian golpe was a successful coup organized by Count Caldwell and supported by Nilfgaardian Duke Ardal aep Dahy aimed at removing Queen Meve from the throne of Lyria and Rivia, replacing her with her son, Prince Villem.
The coup[]
At the beginning of the Second Northern War, few days after Nilfgaardian invasion of Lyria and Battle of Dravograd, Count Caldwell, Villem and the Council of Peers suggested the queen to acknowledge Nilfgaardian superiority and to surrender the country to the Imperials, thus avoiding losses and massacres. Before the queen's rejection, the Lyrian aristocracy, which already signed a pact with Nilfgaard during the queen's absence, arrested Meve and offered the crown to Villem, who was later crowned by Count Caldwell as Villem the First.
Confined in her tower, Meve was visited in the night by Count Caldwell himself, who warned her that at dawn she would have been dead. Meve however managed to escape and flee from the city thanks to the help of Gascon and his Strays of Spalla, Reynard Odo and the few soldiers of her old army who remained loyal to her.[1]
After she escaped from her country, Meve started traveling through Aedirn, Mahakam and Angren, recruiting new soldiers for her new army in order to return to Lyria, defeating the Nilfgaardian invaders and the traitors who betrayed her.