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Disambig icon This article is about the merchant who moves his stand. For merchants who walk the roads, see Wandering merchant (Pontar).


Big Quote Left
We'll meet again, I know this.
Big Quote Right
- his trademark parting words

This Merchant likes to travel and will move his stand between 3 locations, seemingly at random or at least he's not always present when Geralt passes through them:

Also, at each location he has a unique conversation option. He sells a few crafting components, most animal hides, and after reaching level 13, lesser runestones as well. He doesn't play gwent.


  • His pricing isn't affected by him changing areas and he is considered a Novigrad merchant.
  • His first appearance seems to be scripted to be in Blackbough, instead of that being coincidental with Geralt usually going through there first, and he doesn't seem to appear before The Nilfgaardian Connection is completed.
  • His move seems to be triggered by travelling between different regions, e.g. between Velen and Novigrad.


  • He should always be at one of the three locations, but he seems to temporarily disappear when his move has triggered. When this happens, his merchant icon will still be on the map at the last location where he was seen, even though he isn't there anymore.