Witcher Wiki
Witcher Wiki
Disambig icon This article is about the magical branch. For the achievement in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, see Necromancer.

Necromancy is a subclass of magic which is aimed at casting spells on the dead, whether to reanimate a corpse temporarily for information or to re-live a dead man's last moments, and so forth.

Due to its invasive nature on the dead, as well as potential side effects, the practice is banned by the Brotherhood of Sorcerers.[1]


In 1271, Hanmarvyn's Blue Dream, a powerful necromantic ritual, was used on Auckes' corpse by the mage Dethmold and by Geralt to see his last moments of his life.[2]

In 1272, necromancy was used in Freya's Garden by Yennefer on the corpse of Skjall to talk and ask him about Ciri.[3]

See also[]

External links[]

  • Gwent icon See the GWENT standalone game version card: Necromancy

