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Nilfgaardian is a language based on the Elder Speech and used in the Nilfgaardian Empire, originating from the Nilfgaard proper itself.

It is characterized by long, drawn-out syllables[1] and hard pronunciation.[2] Some words of the classic Elder Speech have a totally different meaning in the Nilfgaardian: for example, y which is of in classic Elder becomes and in Nilfgaardian or white, usually translated as gwen by elves while wen by Nilfgaardians.


A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Phrases


Nilfgaardian dialect English
aâ'anval[3] attack (from Dutch: aanval)
addan, adan dance; dancer; dancing
adhart[3] forward
aecáemm to follow
aedragh to provoke / to disturb
aen from, to, for, with, of, in, out of, at, by, down, in, into, until, on, like, as
aep of (mostly used for marking hereditary ties)
allaidh barbarians
ard great
arse arse (UK), ass (US), butt, rump (Dutch: aars)
áth eyes
a'vean[4] gates
awr sir


Nilfgaardian dialect English
beisten[5] animals (From Dutch: beesten)
belean'graec important, something important (From Dutch: belangrijk - pronounciation is nearly the same)
beseta tweezers
bhampair vampire
bleidd wolf (From Welsh: blaidd)
bloede bloody, gory, damn (UK: bloody hell / Dutch: Bloederig = bloody)
bu'rac[3] bumpkin (from Polish: burak - literally means "beetroot" but in common language also means "bumpkin"/"dumbass")


Nilfgaardian dialect English
caer land, place
calm calm, ease
carn tomb, grave, barrow
ceas'raet empire (of Nilfgaard) (From Dutch: Keizerrijk)
claidheamh sheathe (a sword)
creasa must, necessity, obligation, inevitability, duty
cuan whore
cyrche attacking


Nilfgaardian dialect English
daerienn sorcerer, sorceress
deien to serve (From Dutch: Dienen)
deith flame
deithwen white flame
dòchas hope
d'yaebl devil (From Spanish: diablo / Dutch: duivel / Polish: diabeł)


Nilfgaardian dialect English
e'er[3] honor (from Dutch: eer)
eigean necessary, must, have to (From Irish: is éigean)
eimyr hedgehog
eisio ice (from Dutch: ijs)
ess to be, is (From Italian: essere)
esse will be, will (From Latin: esse)
essea I am
evelienn all, everyone
evgyr now ?, stop / halt ?
evn'gesaen ambassador (From German: Abgesandter / Dutch: afgezant)


Nilfgaardian dialect English
feainn sun; also the sixth savaed in the elven calendar
fion wine
fydd passage


Nilfgaardian dialect English
gàrdan guards
geehaet hard
ge'erillan guerillas
gláeddyv (plural: glaeddyvan) sword (From Welsh: cleddyf)
gloir[3] glory (From French: gloire)
glys river (aevon in Elder Speech)
grìffean griffin
gvaedyn[4] tenacious one
gvaelded[4] bloodthirsty one


Nilfgaardian dialect English
hael greeting (long life to...); health (From English: hail, hale)
hanse unit, armed group of friends, gang (From English: hanse)
havfrue sirens
heet fever
hoersoon whoreson (from Dutch: hoerenzoon)
hvren fuck
hwre here


Nilfgaardian dialect English
iarean[3] to search
il'edrith magic
il'edrithean mage
inis, inisan isle, isles
iss'kund medicine


Nilfgaardian dialect English
jakkten hunt (from Dutch: jacht)
joc[3] joke


Nilfgaardian dialect English
katte cat
Ker'zaer[6] Emperor (From German: Kaiser / Dutch: Keizer)
kroofeir[3] haystack
kusse genitals (From Dutch: Kutte)


Nilfgaardian dialect English
laddhe kill
laeke, loc lake
larwm alarm, alert, help
luned daughter / young girl
Lyrien Lyrian


Nilfgaardian dialect English
maerche women
math good, well
mire look, see
moeras swamps (from Dutch: moeras)
mòran a lot
morv die (past tense: marv, dead)
morvud, morvudd enemy, enemies


Nilfgaardian dialect English
na[3] or (From Irish: ná)
namyn except
neén / ne no, not (from Dutch: neen/nee)
niss armpits
nordlingaen demonym for Nordling
nyald[3] needle (From Dutch: naald)


Nilfgaardian dialect English
pest pestilence, plague, blight (from Dutch: pest)
piemelikkers[5] cocksuckers (from Dutch: piemellikkers)
pund vomit


Nilfgaardian dialect English
orde orders


Nilfgaardian dialect English
que that / what (From Italian: che, French: quoi/que)


Nilfgaardian dialect English
rach[3] to move (From Irish: Rachaidh)
raet country (From Dutch: Rijk)
ratreut[3] to fall back, retreat
rechta verdict
rotsaak[5] scumbag (From Dutch: Rotzak)


Nilfgaardian dialect English
sàbh saw
schijtleister[5] coward (From Dutch: Schijtlijster, literally little shitbird)
se'ege[3] victory (From Dutch: Zege)
seiâ'fyll[3] formation
sheyss[3] dammit (From German: Scheiße, shit)
squesse excuse me
strigean[6] strigas
stronthe[5] shit (From Dutch: Stront)


Nilfgaardian dialect English
taing thank you
tanalach shallow
tedd time, age, season (From Dutch: Tijd)
thu you (informal)
tròcair mercy
tuvean[3] / tuv'en death
twe two (From Dutch: twee)


Nilfgaardian dialect English
ulf'heidan monsters


Nilfgaardian dialect English
va to go
va'en trip, journey
vaer'truov to hope, to trust (From Dutch: vertrouw)
va faill goodbye, farewell
var'oom?[3] what? (from German: warum / Dutch: waarom)
vatt'ghern witcher
vedrai hold him
veloë fast, quick; quickly (From Italian: veloce)
verloos losses (from Dutch: verlies)
visse you (formal)
vort further, away (from oneself), still (From German: fort)
vùtter water


Nilfgaardian dialect English
wen white (From Welsh: Wen/wyn)


Nilfgaardian dialect English
y and (perhaps from Spanish: y)
yn on, over, upon, one


Nilfgaardian dialect English
zèamach warning


Nilfgaardian dialect English
Aâ'anval neen orde! Attack at will!
Aecáemm aen me Follow me
Aen Ard Feainn By the Great Sun
Aen iarean nyald aep kroofeir Like searching for a needle in a haystack
A d'yaebl aép arse A devil up your arse
Esse'ionndrainn aep me caer I miss my home
Bloede pest Bloody plague (imprecation)
Deithwen Addan yn Carn aep Morvudd The White Flame Dancing on the Barrows of his Enemies
E'er y glòir Honor and glory (usually used as a greeting)
Ess se'ege aen a'vean! Victory is within us!
Esse'lath seiâ'fyll Loose formation
Glaeddyvan vort! Drop the swords!
Gloir aen Ard Feainn Praise be the Great Sun
Glòir aen Ker'zaer Glory to the Emperor
Hael Ker'zaer Long live the Emperor
Larwm! Essea tuv'en a'vean![4] Help! They're here at the gates!
Me hen aveen'eans aep tooraen. Me peuvt aen alvear'daeg I am too old for wrath. All I feel is simple grief
Me voel'tocht aen geehaet va'en. Me vaer'truov, het aen belean'graec I had a hard journey. I trust it is something important.
Neen ratreut Do not dare fall back
N'ess aedragh a me Do not provoke / disturb me
N'ess tedd a thu I have no time for you
ne'esse a fydd no passage
Ne tuv'en que'ss, luned! Do not kill yourself, girl!
Que'ess zaighderan aep Dravograd vaen? How many battalions are marching on Dravograd?
Que suecc's? / Que aen suecc's? What's going on? / How are things?
Quess'aen? What's new?
Se'ege na tuvean Victory or death
Ti'lsoë eveigh. Always faithful.
Tuvean y gloir Death and glory
va calm at ease, keep calm
va vort go away
Veldi math Very well
Visse deien aep Ceas'raet. N'et aen vaerb'tinnea, het aen creasa You serve the Empire. It's not your good will, it's your duty
Visse ess'spaet aep uav raet, daar'tocht aep Nordling daerienn You spat on your country, conspiring with Nordling sorceresses
Visse gead'tocht gaedeen You have done well
Woh erre sinde? Waen iche hene? Who are you? What am I doing here?


  • Nilfgaardian differs from the classic Elder Speech in that much of it seems to be based on Dutch.
    • In the Blood and Wine expansion, Nazairi soldiers use a great number of Dutch profanities; these include rotzak ("scumbag"), schijtlijster ("coward"), stront ("shit") and piemellikkers ("cocksuckers"). They also use the word kusse, later explained by Regis to mean vagina (akin to Dutch kut and its older form kutte, which carry the same meaning, though it more likely came from Danish where the word means "pussy").
    • After being asked by a fan, Mateusz Tomaszkiewicz who works as a narrative designer for CD PROJEKT RED confirmed Nilfgaardian used in their games is a mix of Elder Speech and Dutch.[7]

