This notice board is located in Blandare and gives access to the contract quest, Missing Miners.
Contract: Missing Miners[]

- It'll not come as news to most, but let me repeat for the ignorant: a few of our lads went looking for ore in the mountains and never returned. They must've run into trouble, and since those brave warriors couldn't handle it themselves, it must've been serious trouble indeed. That's why I'm looking for a brave man to go up and suss out what's become of them. Whoever does so will get gold to match his glory.
- -Gjarr, village elder of Blandare
Go Plough Somewheres Else![]

- To the couple boffing in my barn every night – ride the crupper somewhere else. I've had enough of the noise, next time I'll chase you out with a whip.
– Knutur
About Hjordis[]

- Many a young man has asked me to give them my Hjordis as wife. To all of them I say this same thing: Hjordis will take the one she herself chooses, and I will not go against her wishes. Go talk to her if you like and leave me in peace.
- – Lykkir
Beware the black ram![]

- Beware the black ram, who butts one straight in the arse if one turns the arse to him.
– Sjurdi
Looking to Buy a Ram's Head[]

- Anyone selling a ram's head? Need one for eel bait.
– Floki
Leaving the Village[]

- I had to break my oath. I'm leaving the village and the isles. Take what you want from my house, divide my land and sheep between yourselves. Be well.
- – Loftur, son of Hordur
An Omen, Perhaps?[]

- I caught a two-headed cod yesterday. Is it a sign from gods? For I don't know whether to start it smoking or take it to the druids so they can have a look at it.
- – Palli
Council of Elders' Decision[]

- The Council of Elders has decided as follows: if one rents a mare and the mare foals, the foal is the owner's property. But the one to whom the stallion belongs has the right to half a pail of milk for as long as the mare is producing milk.
Skald Seeks Apprentice[]

- Will teach a boy with a keen ear and strong lungs the art of blowing bagpipes.
- – Geir Golden Lips
Old Warrior Looking to Join a Raid[]

- Young ones,
- Eighty years I've walked the earth. My arms are weak, my legs trembling. I fear I'll know the shame of dying in my bed. Let me join a raid so I can die with dignity. I can still row when the waves're low. I've got silver and can pay my part of the boat expenses.
- – Jogvan
Need a Man[]

- Looking to take in a handsome unmarried man to keep me warm at night. He must be fair-haired, well-proportioned, with a thick beard, fresh breath and of considerable lustiness.
- – Jastrid