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This notice board is located in Holmstein and gives access to the secondary quest, A Hallowed Horn.


Contract: Stolen Horn[]

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I, Holger Blackhand, do hereby announce the following:
The warriors who brought shame on themselves and their line at the Battle of the Sodden Fields[sic] have shown that the punishment I meted out to them was far too lenient! Before departing An Skellig, they stole the horn of my ancestors from my hall. I've entrusted the task of retrieving it to my steward, Mathios.
Whoever brings him the horn will taste of my generosity. Whoever helps the cowards and thieves who took it will taste my wrath.

Volbark's Missing[]

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My 14-year-old son, Volbark, hasn't returned home for ten days. I fear he enlisted for a raid against the Black Ones despite my prohibition. If anyone knows what happened to him let me know.
– Ulf


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Hordor, son of Kalvur, was caught taking Nilfgaardians alive for ransom. I gave him 50 lashes myself - the same punishment awaits all who try the same.
The black dogs are to be put down on the battlefield, even if they surrender and promise riches. We take no prisoners.
– Udalryk

A Duel for Gunna[]

Tw3 notice board note 3
Hallur and Skjell both desire Gunna, Falgeir's daugther. Gunna said she will accept the stronger of the two, so the suitors will duel till first blood is drawn. Thus spoke the Council of Elders.

Message from the Council of Elders[]

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The war between the Nordlings and the Black Ones is getting bloodier. For the sons and daughters of the Isles, this is good news. We shall watch them slaughter each other. The Council has decided that our clan will side with none of them - but the raids should be directed mainly to the south, towards Nilfgaardian shores.
– Council of Elders


Tw3 notice board note 2
Lydar of Lofoten, who insulted our jarl, has been caught. During the manhunt young Runar acted with exceptional courage. In reward he shall hold Lydar's hair while the jarl cuts the wretch's throat.
– Council of Elders

Herbs for Sheep Plague[]

Tw3 notice board note 3
The sheep on our island are dying. I'm sure it's the work of Clan Dimun, gods damn them. If you don't want to lose your flock, you need to buy my special brew of herbs and give it to your sheep - it will keep the plague at bay.
– Rodrig the Cold

Looking for a Healer[]

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I'm looking for a healer for my father, Edgar Ulmquist, whom you all know well. His left arm healed crooked. I'm looking for one that can set it for him so he can carry a shield again.

Will Shear Sheep[]

Tw3 notice board note 2
Sheep shearer looking for hire. There's no better shearer in the village than me. In the time others need for one ram, I shear the whole flock, and if I pick up good speed, the shepherd and his dog, too.
- Fridi

Prayer for the Departed[]

Tw3 notice board note 3
People of Clan Drummond!
Laars the Fox's longship was sunk near the Nilfgaardian shore. The whole crew perished. Let us pray to the gods - this will both relieve the pain and spur us on to take revenge.
– Council of Elders

Harald Torstensson is Dead[]

Tw3 notice board note 1
Hark! Yesterday the heart of Harald Torstensson, our father, husband, and above all else a warrior of clan Drummond, stopped beating. Though he was in twenty three raids and fought in seven wars, he died in his own bed. Gods have mercy on him.
– Egil and Hilda