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This notice board is at the Inn at the Crossroads and gives access to the secondary quest, Wild at Heart and the contract quest, Missing Brother.

All but one (Missing: Mikel) of these notices can also found on Mulbrydale's notice board.


Missing: Mikel[]

Tw3 notice board note large 1
My true-born brother, Mikel, is missing. Anyone who finds him or at least finds out what fate has met him will be generously rewarded - and I'll slip a good word to the baron about you as well.
You'll find me at the Inn at the Crossroads.

Missing Wife[]

Tw3 notice board note large 2
Good people, take pity and hear my plea.
My wife, Hanna, she's missing. A few days ago she went into the woods and hasn't yet returned. I'm near out of my wits with worry and will pay any price to the man who brings her back to me, or at least tells me where to look for her.
Niellen, hunter from Blackbough

Appeal to Sir Geralt of Rivia, the Bridge his Crest[]

Note: This one only appears after A Poet Under Pressure is completed.

Tw3 notice board note large 2
Geralt of Rivia,
At the behest of our merciful sovereign, Her Illustrious Grace Anna Henrietta, we have journeyed to the Northern Realms to lay before you our mission. A terrible monster has appeared in the Duchy of Toussaint, a beast that has committed heinous crimes against her Grace's subjects. Only the Most Famous Among Witchers has the ability to destroy the Beast, thus we humbly beseech you to appear in the village of Holloway, where we shall await you in full hope that you will deign to hear of our woes and liberate our land from the clutches of fear.
Your humble servants:
Sirs Palmerin de Launfal and Milton de Peyrac-Peyran

Help Us Send Him Off[]

Tw3 notice board note 1
To Whomever Has Eyes to Read,
T'otherday our Falibor died. We've no means to bury him properly – not a white shirt in the house, nor cloth for a shroud, nor planks for a coffin. If there's ought you can spare, help, please. If we don't send him off to the next world proper-like, he'll haunt us all in revenge.
– Nassy

Forefathers' Eve Approaches[]

Tw3 notice board note 2
Twill soon be Forefathers' Eve. Tormented souls, souls who've not known rest after death, hungry, tired, scared ghosts - they'll soon walk among us. We'll carve the jacks and send them into the next world with chant, prayer and kind words. Prepare yourselves.


Tw3 notice board note 3
Watch what you say. The trees have ears.
– A kind stranger


Tw3 notice board note 1
Good folk,
If you see any wonders hanging in the woods, such as treats fit for Yuletime dangling off branches - gingerbakings, honeyed apples, fritters or pies - then no matter how fierce your belly growls, turn back. Whoever partakes of those treats is never seen among the living again.

A Warning[]

Tw3 notice board note 2
In lonely woods, screams carry long
Shadows creep far in deep dark dale
Beware ye then the grove's wild song
Or in the wild will end your tale


Tw3 notice board note 2
Consider yourself informed – every man with a producing milch cow is obliged to bring it to Crow's Perch afore the week's end. After that, we find a cow in any man's yard, we'll give him fifty lashes on the spot (the man, not the cow) and take all other goods of his we can carry. Anyone reporting a man hiding a cow will get a sack of grain as a reward.
Sergeant Ardal

From the Innkeep[]

Tw3 notice board note 3
You'll buy your drinks at the Inn at the Crossroads with Novigrad crowns. We take no other coin. We don't do tabs, either. Nor exchanges, save for eat or drink. If anyone doesn't like that, they can go rut for acorns.

Guide Wanted[]

Tw3 notice board note 1
I've need of a man to guide me and me family cross the Pontar. Five of us in all - me, me wife, three young'uns - but they's calm, not the crying or yelling sort, won't give us away to the soldiers. I'm not rich, but whatever I've got I'll give - in fact I'll take on debt and go in someone's service - anything, long as it gets me out of Velen. Please, someone, hear my plea.
– Radost

Darl'len, Aen Seidhe![]

Tw3 notice board note 2
Neen evelienn Scoia'tael marw. Cáemm aep woedd, holl Aen Seidhe. Darganfod an uniade ninnau. Ymladda dh'oine. Ess'tedd, esse creasa.[1]

A Plea[]

Tw3 notice board note 1
Kind folk,
For lack of better fare I fed my young'uns pancakes made of ground acorn. The poor tykes've lain on the straw for three days since, their bellies growling something awful, getting sick and crying without end. If you know how to help, come to my hut. I've naught to give in return but a warm word and a prayer of thanks.


  1. Roughly translates to: "Not every Scoia'tael is dead. Come to the woods, all Aen Seidhe. Discover and join us. Fight the humans. It is time, it will be the place."