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The Witcher[]

Temporary rune imbues blades (steel or silver) with magic.


  • In Chapter III, received from the Royal huntsman for turning in 5 trophies.
  • In Chapter IV, sold by the Blacksmith's son (restocked daily)
  • In Chapter V, sold by the Fence (restocked daily)


  • Unlike regular The Witcher oils, Perun increases damage by 100% against any opponent and can be applied to both Silver and Steel swords, making it the best temporary weapon augmentation in the game.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt[]

Perun runestone is a runestone that adds a 3% Adrenaline Point gain, and can be used to craft Greater Perun runestones. With the Hearts of Stone expansion, it can also be used to make the Rejuvenation and Severance runewords.

Crafting Requirements Tw2 icon crafting
Min. Required Level: Journeyman armorer/blacksmith

It can be crafted, looted, or purchased from the following merchants:

See also[]


  • In Slavic mythology, Perun is the highest god of the pantheon and the god of sky, thunder, lightning, storms, rain, law, war, fertility and oak trees.


  1. The actual damage is 100%. The original Polish description states "double damage" however this was lost in translation and written as 60% in English. Despite this, the rune does, in fact, double one's damage.