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Or an elf, or even half-elf. You even consider quarter-elves inferior—
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- Elf present at Bleobheris to human attendees, Blood of Elves

Quarter-elf or rarely quadroon are terms referring on the Continent to a person who has one quarter elven blood, being born of one human and one half-elf or two quarter-elves.[3] Only the pickiest about race consider them nonhuman.[4]

In spite of wars, humans and elves formed mixed relations together for centuries, only for humans to condemn them in the 1230s. This resulted in wider persecution[3] and made quarter-elves targets of same slurs as others of Aen Seidhe origin.[5]

Notable quarter-elves

For a complete list of known quarter-elves, see Category:Quarter-elves.


  • In Polish, aside from "ćwierćelf" (literally "quarter-elf"), Sapkowski sometimes uses the word "kwarteron", which translates as "quadroon", a word lifted from actual history, part of a hypodescent vocabulary developed to distinguish levels of either African or Australian Aboriginal ancestry, which is now considered offensive. However, likely because of the real-world connotations, the word was left out of the English translation of the books by David French. Term "quadroon" was also sometimes used in the English products from CD Projekt's The Witcher franchise.


  1. Adela was confirmed by the mages to be Falka's daughter, but this information was never brought to public.

