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Schirrú is a siege gwent card in Hearts of Stone expansion and part of the Scoia'tael deck.


  • Very effective against Northern Realms due to it's heavy reliance on siege units.
  • Excluding hero cards, the card has the 2nd highest strength in the Scoia'tael deck right after Milva, making it a good target for the opponent's Scorch.
    • However, that can be a good thing as the Scoia'tael deck has a lot of medic cards thus allowing for many "revenge scorches" especially against Northern Realms.


  • This is the only siege card in the Scoia'tael deck.
    • Gaunter O'Dimm is also a siege card that can be used in the deck, however, it's a neutral card.


  • Sometimes when this card is won, the onscreen flash card and recent inventory screen shows an icon of a ranged combat card. This is an error as the card is actually a siege combat card.

See also[]

External links[]

  • Gwent icon See the GWENT standalone game version card: Schirrú