Scoia'tael Propaganda is a report in Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales. It is obtained after reaching the Lyria city outskirts.
Journal entry[]
[Translated from Elder Speech]
Elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings! The end of the old order is nigh. The oppressive regimes of the North, the plunderers of our lands, rapists of our folk, shall fall to the Nilfgaardian onslaught. And we can assist this downfall! We must assist it, each and every one of us! Those able to wield a weapon, join us in the woods, seek out a Scoia'tael commando.
Those too young, too old, too crippled - fight however you can: with poison, dagger, lies.
Cowards who stand idle shall be tried after the war as traitors to the Elder Races.