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Shiadhal's armor is a body armor in both The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Its name suggests a connection with Shiadhal.

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings[]

Shiadhal's armor can be looted from the body of Bernard Loredo during the quest Death to the Traitor!, or purchased from the mysterious merchant.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt[]

Shiadhal's armor returns as light armor in the third game.

Shiadhal's armor (crafted)[]

Crafting Requirements Tw2 icon crafting
Min. Required Level: Amateur armorer

Shiadhal's armor (relic)[]

This version can be found as random loot.

One place where it often spawns (though not guaranteed) is the guarded treasure east of Gedyneith, guarded by an Earth Elemental. It is also be pretty much a sure find in at least one of two spots near the Cavern north from Novigrad - deep in the cavern itself, behind the illusion there, or from the guarded treasure (armored arachas) above.

