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The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings[]

Silver ore is one of the most difficult crafting components to find just lying around, and often Geralt must resort to paying for it, though luckily most craftsmen sell it. It is needed to craft all silver swords and the following items:

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt[]

Silver ore is a crafting component that can be dismantled into silver. It is needed to craft the following items:

Crafting Requirements Tw2 icon crafting
Min. Required Level: Amateur armorer/blacksmith
Tw3 silver Silver × 5

It can be found as random loot, guaranteed loot during a few quests, or purchased from the following merchants:

Silver ore can also be obtained by dismantling all superior/mastercrafted level Griffin boots, gauntlets and trousers, and the following items:

See also[]
