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Just how exactly did you come across the recipe for fisstech? Blind experimentation? Chuckles guide 14:00, 17 May 2009 (UTC)

I cheated :D - looked it up on the net, tested it. - Game widow 14:28, 17 May 2009 (UTC)
Doesn't Coleman describe fisstech as euphoria inducing in small quantities, and something about aggression in larger doses? I did try it once in the game, thinking it might have had some useful effect, (like Skooma in Oblivion), but I just went unconscious. I never bothered to check the glossary for the recipe, since the only reason to make it would be to sell it, which would probably be useful early in act 2.
Coleman does indeed describe it that way, but apparently it doesn't have quite the same effect on Geralt - Game widow 10:56, October 17, 2009 (UTC)

For me, consuming fisstech did not resulted neither in Journal entry, nor the recepie. Are any special conditions required? - VincE April 5, 2011

you consumed fisstech and got no journal entry ? - Game widow (talk) 00:55, April 5, 2011 (UTC)
Exactly. It was not a fisstech that I have created, though. It has been taken from a random Salamander. Geralt consumed it in the abandoned house of the Rat quest. I have tried the consumption during earlier playthroughs too. Usually in the empty houses or some caves (to avoid being robbed) and have never received any entry. That's why the Witcher Wiki supprised me somewhat with it's "upon consumption" statement. VincE April 5, 2011
Hmmm, possibly it changed with some of the patches. It's been quite some time now so i don't remember anymore, but i'll probably give the game one more play through before next month, just to get back into the swing of things, so i'll add that to my list of things to revisit. — Game widow (talk) 19:26, April 6, 2011 (UTC)