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Telecommunication is a form of mind magic utilised by mages thoughout the world as a means of contact face-to-face while being apart. This can be via physical objects, such as a magical mirror, megascope, xenogloss (one-way only),[1] or by casting complicated teleprojective spells that become tougher to maintain depending on ability and range.[2]

The Witcher[]

Triss' mirror

There are three telecommunicators depicted over the course of The Witcher. Triss Merigold mentions that they can only be used to communicate over short distances.

Triss' mirror[]

Triss' mirror is found in Chapter III, in the bedroom of her home in the Trade Quarter. As Geralt regains consciousness in the opening scene, Triss can be seen using her mirror to speak with another sorceress, most likely it was Keira Metz. This mirror is also a teleporter.

Hartmann's mirror[]

Hartmann's mirror is found at the Salamandra hideout in the restricted area of the Trade Quarter. The mirror is featured in a cut scene as part of the Lock and Key quest. It is only seen during one part of Chapter III and Geralt uses it on that one occasion to speak with Radovid (unless he forgets to do so...).

Javed's mirror[]

Geralt finds one last telecommunicator, Javed's mirror in the mage's laboratory in the catacombs of the old manor in Chapter V. It is through the discovery of this telecommunicator that Geralt learns who is truly behind the Salamandra organization.


  • In The Lady of the Lake, Hartmann's looking glass is implied to allow one to pass into other worlds. However, this can only be done with a lot of preparation and steps set forth. It's also cautioned looking into it as it works both ways: something may also emerge from the glass.


