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In The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings, bombs are prepared for use by putting them in the pocket slots (or quickslots) in the inventory panel and are primarily used in combat or to destroy monster nests.

Image Name Ingredients Description Tw2 icon damage Tw2 icon damage Alchemist 1 Tw2 icon damage Alchemist 2
Samum Samum Aether tw2 Rebis tw2 Stuns and immobilizes all enemies in range. 15 - 30

Stun 30%

20 - 40

Stun 40%

25 - 60

Stun 60%

Grapeshot Grapeshot Rebis tw2 Caelum tw2 After detonating wounds all enemies in range with shrapnel. 30 - 40 40 - 55 60 - 80
Devil's Puffball Devil's Puffball Caelum tw2 Quebrith tw2 Releases a cloud of poison gas. 15 - 30

Tw2 effect poison 50%

20 - 40

Tw2 effect poison 60%

30 - 60

Tw2 effect poison 80%

Dancing star Dancing star Vitriol tw2 Aether tw2 Explodes with fire and wounds enemies. 10 - 40

Tw2 effect burn 30%

13 - 53

Tw2 effect burn 40%

20 - 80

Tw2 effect burn 60%

Dragon's Dream Dragon's Dream Aether tw2 Vermilion tw2 Releases a cloud of flammable gas. 10 - 30

Tw2 effect burn 30%

13 - 40

Tw2 effect burn 40%

20 - 60

Tw2 effect burn 60%

Zerrikanian Sun Zerrikanian Sun Rebis tw2 Vitriol tw2 Blinds and immobilizes all enemies in range. 10 - 30

Stun 50%

13 - 40

Stun 60%

20 - 60

Stun 80%

Flare Flare Vermilion tw2 Caelum tw2 Illuminates the surrounding area when detonated. 1 1 1
Stenchbulb Stenchbulb Hydragenum tw2 Aether tw2 Releases a foul-smelling cloud that decreases the statistics of all enemies within it. 5 - 10

Tw2 icon damage -20%

Ranged Tw2 icon damage -50%

Sign resistance -50%

Knockdown resistance -50%

Tw2 effect bleed resistance -50%

Tw2 effect poison resistance -50%

Tw2 effect burn resistance -50%

7 - 13

Effects unchanged

10 - 20

Effects unchanged

Red haze Red haze Aether tw2 Caelum tw2 Hydragenum tw2 Releases a cloud of psychoactive gas. (Has a chance of turning opponents into allies. Axii-like effect) 2 - 5 3 - 7 4 - 10