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In The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings there are a number of items labeled as junk. Without exception, these items truly are junk and useful only for resale to add to Geralt's pile of orens. In earlier versions of The Witcher 2, a unique quest item called Iron Frame was marked as junk, but is properly tagged as a quest item in newer versions.

Image Name Category Sell Price Tw3 weight white
Tw2 food apple
Apple Junk 2 Tw2 icon oren 0.1
Tw2 item bindings
Bindings Junk 2 Tw2 icon oren 1.0
Tw2 item candlestick
Candlestick Bauble 5 Tw2 icon oren 0.5
Tw2 item chains
Chains Junk 2 Tw2 icon oren 1.0
Tw2 food cucumber
Cucumber Junk 2 Tw2 icon oren 0.1
Tw2 item encrustedironring
Encrusted iron ring Trinket 4 Tw2 icon oren 0.1
Tw2 item encrustedscabbard
Encrusted scabbard Junk 3 Tw2 icon oren 1.0
Tw2 item encrustedsilvermedallion
Encrusted silver medallion Trinket 9 Tw2 icon oren 0.2
Tw2 item encrustedsilverring
Encrusted silver ring Trinket 6 Tw2 icon oren 0.1
Tw2 food fish
Fish Junk 2 Tw2 icon oren 0.1
Tw2 item fishermansnet
Fisherman's net Junk 2 Tw2 icon oren 0.2
Tw2 item grapplinghook
Grappling hook Junk 2 Tw2 icon oren 0.2
Tw2 item huntinghorn
Hunting horn Junk 4 Tw2 icon oren 0.5
Tw2 item ironband
Iron band Junk 2 Tw2 icon oren 0.5
Tw2 item ironring
Iron ring Trinket 3 Tw2 icon oren 0.1
Tw2 item magnifyingglass
Magnifying glass Trinket 6 Tw2 icon oren 0.1
Tw2 item mug
Mug Junk 2 Tw2 icon oren 0.1
Tw2 food oldcheese
Old cheese Junk 2 Tw2 icon oren 0.1
Tw2 food plum
Plum Junk 2 Tw2 icon oren 0.1
Tw2 food potato
Potato Junk 2 Tw2 icon oren 0.1
Tw2 item primitivenecklace
Primitive necklace Trinket 2 Tw2 icon oren 0.2
Tw2 item rags
Rags Junk 2 Tw2 icon oren 0.2
Tw2 item silverring
Silver ring Trinket 5 Tw2 icon oren 0.1
Tw2 item silverswordscabbard
Silver sword scabbard Junk 5 Tw2 icon oren 1.0
Tw2 item stonemedallion
Stone medallion Junk 2 Tw2 icon oren 0.2
Tw2 item tools
Tools Junk 3 Tw2 icon oren 0.5
Tw2 item valuablefigurine
Valuable figurine Trinket 6 Tw2 icon oren 0.5
Tw2 item valuabletrinket
Valuable trinket Trinket 4 Tw2 icon oren 0.5
Tw2 item wire
Wire Junk 2 Tw2 icon oren 0.1
Tw2 item wirerope
Wire rope Junk 3 Tw2 icon oren 0.2
Tw2 item ropeladder
Wooden rung rope ladder Junk 4 Tw2 icon oren 0.2