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Light armor is a type of armor item in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

Chest Armor[]

Image Name Tier Slots Tw3 weight white Tw2 icon crafting
Tw3 common light armor lvl4 2
Ard Skellig aketon (crafted) Magic 1 2.65 Yes
Ard Skellig aketon (common) Common 1 2.65 No
Ard Skellig aketon (magic) Magic 1 2.65 No
Tw3 beauclair casual suit 1
Beauclair doublet 79?cb=20160527184953 Common 0 0.56 No
Tw3 common light armor lvl3 2
Bounty hunter's gambeson (crafted) Magic 1 2.27 Yes
Bounty hunter's gambeson (common) Common 1 2.27 No
Bounty hunter's gambeson (master) Master 1 2.27 No
Tw3 common light armor lvl1 1
Cidarian gambeson (crafted) Magic 0 0.82 Yes
Cidarian gambeson (common) Common 0 0.76 No
Cidarian gambeson (relic) Relic 0 0.76 No
Tw3 beauclair elegant suit
Elegant Beauclair doublet 79?cb=20160527184953 Common 0 0.56 No
Tw3 nilfgaardian casual suit 1
Elegant courtier's doublet Common 0 0.56 No
Tw3 nilfgaardian casual suit 2
Elegant courtier's doublet Common 0 0.56 No
Tw3 nilfgaardian casual suit 3
Elegant courtier's doublet Common 0 0.56 No
Tw3 skellige casual suit 1
Elegant Skellige shirt Common 0 0.63 No
Tw3 feline armor enhanced
Enhanced Feline armor Witcher gear 2 3.91 Yes
Tw3 feline armor
Feline armor Witcher gear 1 3.27 Yes
Tw3 common light armor lvl2 3
Freya's Warriors' armor (common) Common 1 2.28 No
Freya's Warriors' armor (magic) Magic 1 2.28 No
Freya's Warriors' armor (master) Master 1 2.28 No
Freya's Warriors' armor (relic) Relic 1 3.92 No
Tw3 grandmaster feline armor
Grandmaster Feline armor 79?cb=20160527184953 Witcher gear 3 7.26 Yes
Tw3 grandmaster feline armor
Grandmaster Legendary Feline armor 79?cb=20160527184953 Witcher gear 3 7.26 Yes
Tw3 common light armor lvl3 1
Kaedweni gambeson (crafted) Magic 1 1.74 Yes
Kaedweni gambeson (common) Common 1 1.74 No
Kaedweni gambeson (master) Master 1 1.74 No
Kaedweni gambeson (relic) Relic 1 1.74 No
Tw3 feline armor
Legendary Feline armor Witcher gear 3 6.12 Yes
Tw3 feline armor mastercrafted
Mastercrafted Feline armor Witcher gear 3 8.51 Yes
Tw3 feline armor mastercrafted
Mastercrafted Legendary Feline armor Witcher gear 3 10.11 Yes
Tw3 armor ofieri scale armor
Ofieri scale armor 82?cb=20160710035615 Relic 3 8.61 Yes
Tw3 armor ofir armor 2
Ofieri tunic (magic) 82?cb=20160710035615 Magic 1 3.11 No
Ofieri tunic (master) 82?cb=20160710035615 Master 0 3.11 No
Tw3 ornate robe
Ornate robe (master) 82?cb=20160710035615 Master 0 2.17 No
Tw3 armor wedding suit
Ornate robe (relic) 82?cb=20160710035615 Relic 0 2.17 No
Tw3 beauclair prison shirt
Prisoner's shirt 79?cb=20160527184953 Common 2 0.56 No
Tw3 armor light lvl1 02
Shiadhal's armor (crafted) Relic 1 7.62 Yes
Shiadhal's armor (relic) Relic 1 3.12 No
Tw3 shirt
Shirt Common 0 1.21 No
Tw3 common light armor lvl2 1
Skellige gambeson (crafted) Magic 0 1.00 Yes
Skellige gambeson (common) Common 0 1.00 No
Skellige gambeson (relic) Relic 0 1.00 No
Tw3 skellige casual suit 2
Skellige tunic Common 0 0.63 No
Tw3 common light armor lvl4 1
Spikeroog aketon (crafted) Magic 1 1.82 Yes
Spikeroog aketon (common) Common 1 1.82 No
Spikeroog aketon (master) Master 1 1.82 No
Tw3 feline armor superior
Superior Feline armor Witcher gear 3 6.86 Yes
Tw3 feline armor superior
Superior Legendary Feline armor Witcher gear 3 7.66 Yes
Tw3 temerian jacket
Temerian armor Relic 0 6.01 No
Tw3 armor guard 1a armor 1
Toussaint Color Guardsman's armor (crafted) 79?cb=20160527184953 Relic 3 9.13 Yes
Toussaint Color Guardsman's armor (master) 79?cb=20160527184953 Master 0 7.49 No
Tw3 armor guard 1 armor 1
Toussaint Ducal Guardsman's armor 79?cb=20160527184953 Master 0 7.57 No
Tw3 common light armor lvl2 2
Verden archer's gambeson (common) Common 1 1.96 No
Verden archer's gambeson (master) Master 1 1.96 No
Verden archer's gambeson (magic) Magic 1 1.96 No
Verden archer's gambeson (relic) Relic 1 1.96 No
Tw3 armor light lvl1 02
Verden archer's gambeson Magic 1 1.96 Yes
Tw3 yennefers dress
Yennefer's dress Witcher gear 0 0.17 No


Image Name Tier Slots Tw3 weight white Tw2 icon crafting
Tw3 common light gauntlets lvl4
Assassin's gauntlets (crafted) Relic 1 0.97 Yes
Assassin's gauntlets (relic) Relic 1 1.25 No
Tw3 feline gauntlets 1
Enhanced Feline gauntlets Witcher gear 0 2.41 Yes
Tw3 feline gauntlets 1
Enhanced Legendary Feline gauntlets Witcher gear 1 2.41 Yes
Tw3 feline gauntlets 1
Feline gauntlets Witcher gear 0 2.41 Yes
Tw3 armor lynx gloves lvl5
Grandmaster Feline gauntlets 79?cb=20160527184953 Witcher gear 2 2.66 Yes
Tw3 armor lynx gloves lvl5
Grandmaster Legendary Feline gauntlets 79?cb=20160527184953 Witcher gear 2 2.66 Yes
Tw3 common light gauntlets
Hunting gauntlets (crafted) Magic 0 0.67 Yes
Hunting gauntlets (common) Common 0 0.55 No
Hunting gauntlets (master) Master 0 0.63 No
Tw3 feline gauntlets 1
Legendary Feline gauntlets Witcher gear 1 2.41 Yes
Tw3 feline gauntlets 2
Mastercrafted Feline gauntlets Witcher gear 1 2.01 Yes
Tw3 feline gauntlets 1
Mastercrafted Legendary Feline gauntlets Witcher gear 2 2.01 Yes
Tw3 armor ofieri gauntlets
Ofieri gauntlets 82?cb=20160710035615 Relic 2 2.41 Yes
Tw3 feline gauntlets 2
Superior Feline gauntlets Witcher gear 1 2.01 Yes
Tw3 feline gauntlets 2
Superior Legendary Feline gauntlets Witcher gear 2 2.01 Yes
Tw3 temerian gauntlets
Temerian gauntlets Relic 0 2.51 No
Tw3 armor guard 1 gloves 1
Toussaint Color Guardsman's gauntlets (crafted) 79?cb=20160527184953 Relic 2 1.39 Yes
Toussaint Color Guardsman's gauntlets (magic) 79?cb=20160527184953 Magic 1 1.39 No
Toussaint Color Guardsman's gauntlets (master) 79?cb=20160527184953 Master 0 1.37 No
Tw3 armor guard 1a gloves 1
Toussaint Ducal Guardsman's gauntlets (crafted) 79?cb=20160527184953 Relic 2 1.84 Yes
Tw3 armor guard 1 gloves 1
Toussaint Ducal Guardsman's gauntlets (master) 79?cb=20160527184953 Master 0 1.17 No
Tw3 common light gauntlets lvl3
Tracker's gauntlets (crafted) Magic 1 1.17 Yes
Tracker's gauntlets (master) Master 1 1.05 No


Image Name Tier Slots Tw3 weight white Tw2 icon crafting
Tw3 common light pants lvl4
Assassin's trousers Relic 2 0.71 Yes
Tw3 bath towel
Bath towel Common 0 0.29 No
Tw3 beauclair casual pants 1
Beauclair trousers 79?cb=20160527184953 Common 0 0.29 No
Tw3 skellige casual pants 1
Cavalry trousers (crafted) Magic 0 0.50 Yes
Cavalry trousers (magic) Magic 0 0.48 No
Cavalry trousers (master) Master 0 0.48 No
Tw3 nilfgaardian casual pants
Elegant Beauclair trousers 79?cb=20160527184953 Common 0 0.29 No
Tw3 feline trousers 1
Enhanced Feline trousers Witcher gear 1 1.78 Yes
Tw3 feline trousers 1
Enhanced Legendary Feline trousers Witcher gear 2 1.78 Yes
Tw3 feline trousers 1
Feline trousers Witcher gear 0 1.78 Yes
Tw3 armor lynx pants 5
Grandmaster Feline trousers 79?cb=20160527184953 Witcher gear 2 2.43 Yes
Tw3 armor lynx pants 5
Grandmaster Legendary Feline trousers 79?cb=20160527184953 Witcher gear 2 2.43 Yes
Tw3 common light pants lvl1
Hunting trousers (crafted) Magic 0 0.37 Yes
Hunting trousers (common) Common 0 0.35 No
Hunting trousers (master) Master 0 0.26 No
Tw3 feline trousers 1
Legendary Feline trousers Witcher gear 2 1.78 Yes
Tw3 feline trousers 2
Mastercrafted Feline trousers Witcher gear 2 2.43 Yes
Tw3 feline trousers 2
Mastercrafted Legendary Feline trousers Witcher gear 2 2.43 Yes
Tw3 nilfgaardian casual pants
Nilfgaardian trousers Common 0 0.29 No
Tw3 ofieri sharovary
Ofieri sharovary (crafted) 82?cb=20160710035615 Relic 2 1.27 Yes
Ofieri sharovary (magic) 82?cb=20160710035615 Magic 1 1.27 No
Ofieri sharovary (master) 82?cb=20160710035615 Master 0 1.27 No
Tw3 beauclair prison pants
Prisoner's trousers 79?cb=20160527184953 Common 0 0.29 No
Tw3 skellige casual pants 2
Skellige breeches Common 0 0.29 No
Tw3 skellige casual pants 1
Skellige breeches Common 0 0.29 No
Tw3 feline trousers 2
Superior Feline trousers Witcher gear 2 2.43 Yes
Tw3 feline trousers 2
Superior Legendary Feline trousers Witcher gear 2 2.43 Yes
Tw3 temerian trousers
Temerian trousers Relic 0 2.51 No
Tw3 armor guard 1a pants 1
Toussaint Color Guardsman's trousers (crafted) 79?cb=20160527184953 Relic 2 0.91 Yes
Toussaint Color Guardsman's trousers (magic) 79?cb=20160527184953 Magic 1 0.91 No
Toussaint Color Guardsman's trousers (master) 79?cb=20160527184953 Master 0 0.91 No
Tw3 armor guard 1 pants 1
Toussaint Ducal Guardsman's trousers 79?cb=20160527184953 Relic 2 0.83 Yes


Image Name Tier Slots Tw3 weight white Tw2 icon crafting
Tw3 common light boots lvl1
Assassin's boots (crafted) Magic 1 0.95 Yes
Tw3 common light boots lvl4
Assassin's boots (magic) Magic 0 0.95
Assassin's boots (relic) Relic 1 0.83 No
Tw3 common light boots lvl2
Cavalry boots (common) Common 0 0.65 No
Tw3 common light boots lvl1
Cavalry boots (crafted) Magic 0 0.67 Yes
Tw3 common light boots lvl2
Cavalry boots (master) Master 0 0.65 No
Tw3 common light boots lvl1
Cavalry boots (relic) Relic 0 0.65 No
Tw3 beauclair elegant shoes
Elegant Beauclair boots 79?cb=20160527184953 Common 0 0.39 No
Tw3 feline boots 1
Enhanced Feline boots Witcher gear 0 2.16 Yes
Tw3 feline boots 1
Enhanced Legendary Feline boots Witcher gear 1 2.16 Yes
Tw3 feline boots 1
Feline boots Witcher gear 0 2.16 Yes
Tw3 armor lynx boots lvl5
Grandmaster Feline boots 79?cb=20160527184953 Witcher gear 2 3.54 Yes
Tw3 armor lynx boots lvl5
Grandmaster Legendary Feline boots 79?cb=20160527184953 Witcher gear 2 3.54 Yes
Tw3 common light boots lvl1
Hunting boots (common) Common 0 0.51 No
Hunting boots (crafted) Magic 0 0.63 Yes
Hunting boots (master) Master 1 0.90 No
Tw3 feline boots 1
Legendary Feline boots Witcher gear 1 2.16 Yes
Tw3 feline boots 2
Mastercrafted Feline boots Witcher gear 1 2.56 Yes
Tw3 feline boots 2
Mastercrafted Legendary Feline boots Witcher gear 2 2.56 Yes
Tw3 common light boots lvl1
Mountain Folk boots (crafted) Relic 1 1.95 Yes
Mountain Folk boots (relic) Relic 1 1.52 No
Tw3 ofieri shoes
Ofieri boots (crafted) 82?cb=20160710035615 Relic 2 2.66 Yes
Ofieri boots (magic) 82?cb=20160710035615 Magic 1 1.47 No
Ofieri boots (master) 82?cb=20160710035615 Master 0 1.47 No
Tw3 common heavy boots lvl1
Ornate boots (relic) 82?cb=20160710035615 Relic 1 1.17 No
Ornate boots (master) 82?cb=20160710035615 Master 0 1.17 No
Tw3 skellige casual shoes
Skellige festive slippers Common 0 0.39 No
Tw3 feline boots 2
Superior Feline boots Witcher gear 1 2.56 Yes
Tw3 feline boots 2
Superior Legendary Feline boots Witcher gear 2 2.56 Yes
Tw3 temerian boots
Temerian boots Relic 0 2.51 No
Tw3 armor guard 1a boots 1
Toussaint Color Guardsman's boots (crafted) 79?cb=20160527184953 Relic 2 1.01 Yes
Toussaint Color Guardsman's boots (magic) 79?cb=20160527184953 Magic 1 0.79 No
Toussaint Color Guardsman's boots (master) 79?cb=20160527184953 Master 0 1.17 No
Tw3 armor guard 1 boots 1
Toussaint Ducal Guardsman's boots (crafted) 79?cb=20160527184953 Relic 2 0.87 Yes
Toussaint Ducal Guardsman's boots (magic) 79?cb=20160527184953 Magic 1 1.19 No
Tw3 common light boots lvl1
Trapper's boots (common) Common 1 1.02 No
Trapper's boots (magic) Magic 1 1.02 No
Trapper's boots (master) Master 1 1.02 No