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Tvarog runestone is a runestone in the Hearts of Stone expansion.

It is needed for the Dumplings runeword which, when in effect, causes any food consumed to regenerate 400% more vitality (100% before Patch 4.0). Unlike other runestones, it must be crafted and cannot be obtained in any other way.

Crafting Requirements Tw2 icon crafting
Min. Required Level: Journeyman armorer/blacksmith


  • This runestone has no effect when placed in an upgrade slot, and raises the weapon's level requirement by 1.
  • In the crafting menu, this runestone's weight is listed as 0.01 when it is actually 0.03.


  • This runestone's name references quark (Polish: twaróg), a dairy product popular in much of continental Europe. It is often translated to English as "curd cheese" or "cottage cheese" which is often viewed as a specific type of quark.